
  • 网络Tenaciously;I'm reaching with all my might;tenacity
  1. 通过阅读西游记,让我们了解到了一种顽强拼搏的精神。

    By reading Journey to the West , let us understand that a tenacious spirit .

  2. 因此,接受自己球队所选择的道路吧,相信他们会顽强拼搏。

    So embrace the path your team has taken and believe that they will try again with resilience .

  3. 重量级拳击手战到最后一个回合时,观众们都坐到了座位的边缘上,直到他们顽强拼搏到胜负分明。

    The audience were on the edge of their seats as the heavyweights soloed it out in the final round .

  4. 他们可能都已经筋疲力尽,但是迈克尔和公牛队在比赛的最后一分钟仍然顽强拼搏。

    They may have had tired legs , but Michael and the Bulls grew stronger in the game 's final minutes .

  5. “胜不骄,败不馁,顽强拼搏,争创第一”是他们的共同心声。

    " Not be conceited , defeat is not hungry , tenacious struggle and striving for first " is their common aspiration .

  6. 三是各行各业从事外经贸工作的同志发扬了顽强拼搏的可贵精神。

    Third , the precious spirit of hard struggle as demonstrated by people of all sectors involved in foreign trade and economic cooperation .

  7. 篮球文化表现出来的顽强拼搏、积极进取、集体至上、团结协作等人文精神就是篮球精神文化的折射。

    Basketball spirit showed the enterprising spirit , the spirit of collectivism , hardworking spirit , the patriotic spirit are refraction of basketball spirit culture .

  8. 科学的理想信念使人产生积极进取、奋发向上的力量和顽强拼搏的决心,是成才的必要条件。

    Scientific ideals and beliefs have a positive and enterprising people to advance the strength and indomitable spirit of determination is a necessary condition for talent .

  9. 浓厚的兴趣可以培养学生的求知欲,激发学生强大的学习动力,促使他们顽强拼搏,努力学习。

    A strong interest can develop the students ' curiosity about language and arouse the students ' strong motivation for learning to make them work hard .

  10. 这支年轻的队伍将会继承并发扬他们老女排刻苦训练,顽强拼搏和坚韧不拔追求胜利的优秀传统。

    The new team will inherit and carry forward their elder generation 's tradition which is hard-working , arduous struggle and the persistence to strive for success .

  11. 如果我们的运动员在赛场上发扬了顽强拼搏的精神,即使输了,中国老百姓也会满意,他表示。

    If our athletes fight with all their might on the field , then our ordinary people will be satisfied even if they lose , he said .

  12. 汇宜人追求公司与客户双赢的战略,愿以顽强拼搏、锐意进取的精神与各界人士携手,共图发展。

    The company has desired the strategy of mutual benefit . It is ready to attempt development hand in hand with people of all works of life .

  13. 体育带给了人们无穷的乐趣,在体育世界里,人们可以找到激情,顽强拼搏和团队协作的精神以及公平竞赛的理念。

    People get a lot of fun from sport . In the sports world , people find passion , indomitable spirit and spirit of team work and fair competition .

  14. 乌拉圭队在本届南非世界杯出人意料地闯入四强,而弗兰则正体现了奥斯卡·塔瓦雷斯率领的这支队伍身上的顽强拼搏的精神和品质。

    The symbol of Uruguay 's unexpected run to the last four , Forlan embodied the fighting spirit and quality that took Oscar Tabarez 's men to the semi-finals .

  15. 通过跆拳道练习,可以促进中小学生的身心健康,培养顽强拼搏精神,提高道德素质,完善人格品质。

    Taekwondo practice can promote physical and mental health of primary and secondary school students , cultivating the indomitable fighting spirit , improving the moral quality , improving personality traits .

  16. 对于成功的衡量不是看你取得了多少成绩,而是看你克服了多少困难,以及在逆境中表现出来的顽强拼搏的勇气。

    Success is not measured by what you accomplish . It 's measured by the opposition you encounter and the courage with which you maintain your struggle against the odds .

  17. 展现了全体师生积极进取、顽强拼搏、奋发向上、勇攀高峰的旺盛斗志。

    Have displayed exuberant be eager to make progress actively , indomitable go all out , rise in great vigor , brave in clambering entire teacher and student peak fighting spirit .

  18. 美国西进运动中的拓荒精神主要表现为艰苦奋斗、顽强拼搏的开拓精神,自我实现、自我奋斗的开拓意识,求实创新的民族气质。

    The pioneering spirit in American 's western development mainly lies in their plain living , hard struggle , staunch and combatant pioneering spirits ; self realization , and self struggle pioneering consciousness ;

  19. 在实践中我学到了很多知识,同时还培养了我坚韧不拔的意志和顽强拼搏的精神,使我能够在工作中不断地克服困难、积极进取。

    In practice , I learned a lot of knowledge , but also cultivate my perseverance and hard work of spirit , so that I can work in constantly to overcome difficulties and aggressive .

  20. 如期全面建成小康社会任务十分艰巨,全党同志一定要埋头苦干、顽强拼搏。

    Completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020 is an arduous task , and all the comrades in the Party must work single-mindedly and with fortitude to reach this goal .

  21. 首先他们不是以“斗牛士”的行为去宰割先前的文化沉淀和一脉相传的艺术“血脉”,其次他们又用“斗牛士”的顽强拼搏精神,在浩瀚的艺术土壤上辛勤耕耘。

    Firstly they have not acted as " Bullfighter " to cut the previous culture of precipitation and art " blood " . Secondly they use " Bullfighter " indomitable spirit to work hard in wide art soil .

  22. 我司自成立以来,经过公司全体员工的顽强拼搏和艰苦奋斗,目前,产品已远销日本、韩国、美国、欧洲等十多个国家,产品质量深受用户好评。

    Since our factory is established , through the struggle and hard work of whole staff , at present , the products have already found a good sale in more than ten countries , such as Japan , Korea S.U.S.

  23. 质量特色:本专业的质量特色体现为:具有扎实的体育技术技能;具有宽泛的理论知识结构和多种技能;具有顽强拼搏、团结协作、无私奉献的精神;个性化培养的全面发展。

    Special features : the physical education is featured for the fostering of its graduates firm sports skills , broad theoretical structure of knowledge and more techniques ; have the spirit of cooperation , rally , hard work and devotion ; with all-round development personal cultivation .

  24. 恰恰这种“狼性”并非它的凶残成性,忘恩负义,而是“忠诚、团结、顽强拼搏、不屈不挠”的优秀品质,它架起了组工干部的“精、气、神”的脊梁。

    This is precisely the " wolf " It 's not as cruel , ungrateful , but " loyalty , unity , hard work , perseverance ," the excellent quality , which set up the cadres of the " refined , gas , God ," the backbone .

  25. 据说伤势影响到了她的职业发展,但她用顽强的拼搏对此做出了回应,那丰厚的奖金就是明证,John。

    It has been said that had impeded her progress , but a huge reaction is coming in that eye and the prize money , John .

  26. 如果是你,你还会有这样顽强的拼搏吗?

    If you , you will be so strong fighting it ?

  27. 前锋还需要具有顽强的拼搏精神和意志、清晰聪慧的头脑和稳定的心理素质等优秀的品质。

    Also need to have a strong will , intelligent mind and a stable mind , good quality .

  28. 那种强烈的求生欲望和顽强的拼搏求生精神,似乎在那一刻都完全的展露了出来。

    That strong desire to live and indomitable fighting spirit to survive , it seems that at that moment completely expose out .

  29. 优秀的中国运动员高超的竞技能力和顽强的拼搏精神让中国队荣登奥运金牌榜首,创造了历史最好成绩。

    Chinese athletes to outstanding athletic ability and indomitable fighting spirit of the first gold medal total to create the best score in history .

  30. 中国运动员以出色的竞技能力和顽强的拼搏精神夺得金牌总数第一,创造了历史最好成绩。

    Chinese athletes won the No.1 position of the golden medal list with their excellent athletic abilities and indomitable fighting spirit , created the historical best score .