
fēng miàn
  • cover;front cover;the front and back cover of a book;the title page of a thread-bound book
封面 [fēng miàn]
  • [the front and back cover of a book] 新式装订的书刊指最外面的一层,用厚纸、布、皮等做成的

封面[fēng miàn]
  1. 在练习本的封面上写上你的名字。

    Write your name on the front cover of the exercise book .

  2. 但是俄罗斯社交媒体亿万富翁尤里·米尔纳(YuriMilner)是这期杂志的封面人物。

    But Russian social media billionaire Yuri Milner takes the front cover .

  3. 书的封面有一张罗马的照片。

    The book has a picture of Rome on the front .

  4. 各种杂志的封面都有她的头像。

    Her face was on the cover of every magazine .

  5. 她的小说刚进行了重印,新封面非常抢眼。

    Her novels have just been reissued with eye-catching new covers .

  6. 每个封面上都有一名裸体女子。

    Every cover showed a woman in a state of undress .

  7. 她的面孔出现在十几种杂志的封面上。

    Her face is on the cover of a dozen or more magazines .

  8. 其图书以纸质优良、封面精美而闻名。

    Its books are noted for the quality of their paper and bindings .

  9. 几年前,大卫·拜恩曾登上《时代》周刊的封面。

    A few years ago , David Byrne was on the cover of Time magazine .

  10. 他为《纽约人》杂志画漫画和设计封面。

    He did cartoons and covers for the new Yorker magazine .

  11. 她的肖像刊登在几家杂志的封面上。

    Her portraits appeared on several covers of the magazines .

  12. 封面上有“初稿”字样。

    On the cover are the words " first draft ".

  13. 我喜欢这本书封面上的图案。

    I like the design on this book jacket .

  14. 这本书是用深红色山羊鞣皮封面装订的。

    The book is bound in crimson morocco .

  15. 玛丽不是封面女郎,但她足够漂亮去做一名封面女郎。

    Mary is not a cover girl , but she is pretty enough to be .

  16. 在封面照上,米歇尔身穿一袭由设计师吴季刚为其设计的绛红色紧身丝质裙装。她在奥巴马就职典礼上所穿的礼服就出自吴季刚之手。

    She appears wearing a magenta silk sheath dress by Jason wu , who also designed her inaugural gown .

  17. 一本书的封面吸引了我的注意。

    The cover of a book caught my eye .

  18. 我用手指从封面上那张狗的照片上划过。

    I ran my fingers over the picture of the dog on the cover .

  19. 书的封面上有一只比格犬,它和我的狗看起来一模一样。

    There on the book 's cover was a beagle which looked identical to my dog .

  20. 请不要包括封面。

    Please do not include covers .

  21. 因为它的蓝色封面,大多数人称它为"蓝皮拼字书"。

    Most people called it the " Blue-Backed Speller " because of its blue cover .

  22. 然后翻到封面阅读标题,了解发生了什么。

    Then turn to the front page and read the headlines to know what has happened .

  23. 如果封面变弯了,或是咖啡纸上有污渍,那就更好了。

    If the cover gets bent or there is a stainmade on the page from coffee , all the better .

  24. 我翻过笔记本的封面,自然地写了几句鼓励的话,并签上了自己的名字。

    I turned over the cover of the notebook , wrote a few words of encouragement naturally , and signed my name .

  25. 这书需要装个新封面。

    The book needs a new cover .

  26. 这是一本黑面厚书,自己装订的,封面上没有书名或作者名字

    A heavy black volume , amateurishly bound , with no name or title on the cover .

  27. 真那么想用那张合照的话,就用成朋友圈封面。

    If you really want to use that photo , use it as the cover for your personal home page .

  28. 他们通常会画出2-3种不同的方案,然后做成印刷样品,看看最终的成品封面是什么样子。

    Designers usually present two to three different concepts , roughly mocked up to show how the final cover might look .

  29. 鲁宾·冈萨雷斯离开了球场,人们都惊呆了,下一期的一种重要墙球杂志用鲁宾·冈萨雷斯作为封面。

    Reuben Gonzolas walked off the court , everyone was stunned . The next issue of a leading racquetball magazine featured Gonzolas on its cover .

  30. 有些人总是惊讶于作者很少参与设计过程,因为封面是这本书首次面世的样子。

    People are often surprised how little input authors have in the design process , considering the cover is how their book first faces the world .