
  1. 包括如何利用时间加权方法计算投资回报率,以及利用夏普比率对投资组合业绩进行风险调整。

    Including how to make use of time-weighted rate of return on investment method , and the use of Sharpe Ratio of portfolio risk-adjusted performance .

  2. 传统的IT需要通过提前计算好投资回报率(ROI)的分析来决定投资和部署什么。

    Traditional IT requires upfront return on investment ( ROI ) analysis to decide what to invest in and deploy .

  3. 以一年为期限计算的投资回报率。

    The rate of return on an investment for a one-year period .

  4. 现实中的股票市场不可能完全符合资本市场有效性假设,因而把股票成交价格看作是股票的市场价值,并据此计算股票投资回报率的传统做法存在着明显的弊端。

    The actual stock markets are by no means the ideal ones in terms of the efficient market hypothesis , therefore it is apparently inappropriate to take the stock 's price for its market value and then calculate the return of investment in the stock .