
zì xià ér shàng
  • Bottom-up;from bottom to top;from the bottom up;come from below;from below to top
自下而上 [zì xià ér shàng]
  • [from bottom to top;from below to top] 从下面到上面,从底下到上头

自下而上[zì xià ér shàng]
  1. 同一释放装置内,上覆水总氮、总磷和COD浓度均沿垂直方向自下而上逐渐降低。

    The concentrations of total nitrogen , total phosphorus , and COD in the overlying water of column experiments decreased from bottom to top vertically .

  2. 元胞自动机(CellularAutomata,简称CA)是一种自下而上的动态模拟建模框架,具有模拟地理复杂系统时空演化过程的能力。

    Cellular Automata ( CA ) are a kind of dynamically modeling framework ? from bottom to top ? and possess the capability of modeling spatial-temporal evolvement process of a complicated geographical system .

  3. 处理这个问题的自下而上的方法

    a bottom-up approach to tackling the problem

  4. 火炬上刻有北京2022年冬奥会会徽及奥运五环,自下而上从云纹逐渐过渡到雪花图案,最后呈现为火焰。

    The torch features the Beijing 2022 emblem and the Olympic rings etched on its section , with patterns of clouds and snowflakes painted from the bottom up to the flame .

  5. Web服务可以使用自上而下或者自下而上的方法构建。

    Web services can be built using either a top-down or bottom-up approach .

  6. 在这里,自下而上的意思是说,Web服务是围绕现有企业应用程序进行包装的。

    Here bottom-up means that the Web service is wrapped around an existing enterprise application .

  7. 下面的例子将会介绍使用自下而上的开发方法实现一个Web服务。

    The following example will take you through implementing a Web service using bottom up development .

  8. 这解决了一些自上而下服务格式需求,同时又可以开发自下而上的Web服务。

    This alleviates some of the top-down service format requirements while allowing you to develop bottom-up Web services .

  9. SOA的自下而上的观点认为应通过Web服务来暴露不同的业务应用的功能。

    The bottom-up view of the SOA sees different business applications exposing their functionalities through web services .

  10. 在自下而上方法中,先从一个JAVAbean开始,然后将功能公开为Web服务。

    In a bottom-up approach , one would start with a Java bean and expose the functionality as Web services .

  11. 要使用JavaBean工件自下而上生成JAX-WSweb服务,完成以下步骤

    To generate JAX-WS web services from bottom up using the Java Bean artifacts , complete the following steps

  12. 方法:对168层下颌骨CT图像进行预处理,突出图像中的下颌骨轮廓,然后采用自编程序提取图中下颌骨内外轮廓点信息,通过有限元软件进行自下而上的实体模型建立。

    Methods The CT images of mandible are pre-processed and pixels are extracted from the mandible 's contours , then the solid model is produced .

  13. 理解这些支柱可以对“自上而下”或者“自下而上”的SOA治理有更清晰的定义。

    Understanding these pillars will clearly define what " top down " and " bottom up " SOA Governance approaches actually mean .

  14. 如果说国家人事制度改革是自上而下推动国企HR变革,那么市场化进程的加快就是自下而上的催化因素。

    HR reform of state-owned companies is initiated by national personnel system reform and catalyzed by marketing process .

  15. 草根级(自下而上的)SOA实施途经:将SOA元素(包括服务和基础设施)作为现有业务驱动的IT任务来实现。

    Grassroots ( bottom-up ) SOA approach-implementing elements of SOA ( both services and infrastructure ) as parts of existing business-driven IT undertaking .

  16. 如果一个实施SOA的组织比较草根化,结果往往就是从单个领域面向服务的努力出发的“自下而上”的模式。

    Typically , SOA organizations that are " grass-roots " and the result of individual , domain led service-oriented efforts are " bottom-up " .

  17. 本项研究模拟城市人口动态,集成多智能体、GIS、元胞自动机,自下而上建模,为城市发展、建设、管理和规划提供决策支持。

    In this research multi-agent , GIS and Cellular Automata ( CA ) are integrated together , and bottom-up modeling is used to provide decision support for city development .

  18. d.本区域三门期的环境,自下而上,由温暖、湿热,转为干燥、寒冷。

    D 、 The environment of Sanmen Age in the region from warm , hot and damp , to dry and cold .

  19. 您将利用自下而上的方法来构建这个JAX-WSWeb服务端点,这也就是说,首先您只需编写Web服务实现类的代码。

    You will take the bottom up approach for building this JAX-WS Web service endpoint , which means you will start by simply coding your Web service implementation class .

  20. 您已经成功使用WebSphereIntegrationDeveloperV7,从客户端和服务器端视角设计、构建和测试了一个自下而上的JAX-WSweb服务。

    You 've successfully used WebSphere Integration Developer V7 to design , build and test a bottom-up JAX-WS web service from both client and server-side perspectives .

  21. 以前的MessageBroker开发是一个“自下而上”的流程,使用连接在一起的节点等低级组件来逐步创建完整的应用程序连接性解决方案。

    Historically , Message Broker development has been a " bottom-up " process , with low-level components such as nodes joined together to gradually create a complete application connectivity solution .

  22. 本部分的最后,值得注意服务实现的自上而下(top-down)和自下而上(bottom-up)模型之间联系。

    Finally in this context , it is worth noting the relationship between the top-down and bottom-up models of service enablement .

  23. 利用模式注释实现自下而上的语义透明(developerWorks,2005年5月):将schemata从语法扩展到语义。

    Schema annotation for bottom-up semantic transparency ( developerWorks , May2005 ): Push schemata beyond syntax into semantics .

  24. 由此论文提出了自下而上,从微观到宏观的固体废物管理系统演化的研究思路。并且开发了适合固体废物管理系统的基于Agent的仿真模型,并以此作为论文的研究方法。

    This thesis puts forward a simulation framework of agent-based modeling which can be properly applied to solid waste management system . This is bottom-up simulation process , and will be the research method of the study .

  25. 农民田间学校(FarmerFieldSchool,FFS)是一种自下而上的参与式农业技术推广方式,强调以农民为中心,以学习循环的方式为基本方法,以提高农民自身能力为根本目的。

    Farmer Field School ( FFS ) is a participatory agricultural technology extension method from bottom up , focusing on farmers , based on learning cycle and aiming to developing farmers ' abilities .

  26. 该图形采用了基于DNA折纸术的构造原理,并进一步证明了DNA折纸术具有构造几乎任何复杂二维纳米级图形的能力,为基于自下而上方法的纳米构造技术提供了新方法。

    The DNA origami technology was employed in the construction of this shape , which has proved the capability of constructing almost any complicated nanoscale shape enabled by DNA origami , and provided novel bottom-up approach for constructing nanostructures .

  27. 新试验方法的特点是采用表面有V形沟槽的圆饼形型砂试件,在激热试验炉中受到自下而上的高温烘烤。

    The special feature of the new testing method is that a cake-like sand test piece with V-shape groove on its surface is heated from bottom to top in a new-designed high temperature shock heating furnace .

  28. 而以往的自上而下法、自下而上法、WBS标准法、WBS模板法都不能快速生成WBS。

    What is more the top-down method , bottom-up method , WBS standard method and WBS formwork all cannot generate fast WBS recently .

  29. EDA技术采用的自顶向下设计流程代替了原有的自下而上设计流程,缩短了集成电路的开发周期,节省了开发费用,促进了集成电路的发展。

    The top-down design flow by EDA technology substitute for the bottom-up design flow , which shorts the development period , reduce the development cost and speed the development of IC .

  30. 本论文主要研究利用DNA折纸术组装纳米材料的几种方法,目前在纳米尺度上组装材料的方法有很多,这些方法主要分为两类:自上而下和自下而上。

    This dissertation is about using DNA origami to organize matter at the nanoscale . There are several approaches that are used to organize matter at this scale . These organizational methods are mainly classified into two groups : Top down and bottom up approaches .