
tài dù liánɡ biǎo
  • attitude scaling
  1. 金钱态度量表(MAS)的信度和效度验证

    Development of Money Attitude Scale and Research on Its Validity and Reliability

  2. 家长对残疾儿童随班就读的态度量表编制

    Parents ' attitude inventory for handicapped children learning in regular class

  3. 残疾人态度量表在大学生中的使用

    The Application of Scale of Attitudes toward Disabled Persons among Undergraduates

  4. 第三章,态度量表的评价。

    Chapter three is about the valuation of attitude scale .

  5. 初中生吸烟相关态度量表的效度和信度评价

    Assessment on a Scale for Measuring Smoking-related Attitudes in Chinese Secondary School Students

  6. 2中学生学业负担态度量表的编制及其结构分析

    Framing of the Student Attitude Scale about Learning Burden and Its Structure Analysis

  7. 评估文化价值:文化态度量表的研制

    Assessing Cultural Values : Developing an Attitudinal Scale

  8. 明尼苏达工程类比测试明尼苏达教师态度量表

    Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory Minnesota Engineering Analogies Test

  9. 研究采用合作竞争态度量表、学业自我描述问卷对397名初中生进行调查。

    Methods cooperation and competition attitude questionnaire and self description questionnaire were administrated to397 middle school students .

  10. 明尼苏达教师态度量表

    Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory

  11. 第二章,态度量表的分类及常用量表的论述。

    Chapter two is about the classification of attitude and the introduction of attitude scale in common use .

  12. 研究工具共分为4个部分,分别为一般人口学资料、职业态度量表、自我价值感量表、社会适应性量表。

    Research tool includes four parts : demographic data , professional attitude scale , self-esteem scale , social adjustment scale .

  13. 本文运用问卷调查方法,初步了解残疾人态度量表在当代大学生中的使用情况。

    Questionnaires were conducted in the research to get a preliminary understanding of the attitudes of undergraduates toward disabled persons .

  14. 来自四个不同金融机构的18名荷兰投资者和15名中国投资者在利式态度量表上排列了26种风险因素。

    Eighteen Dutch investors and fifteen Chinese investors from four different financial institutions ranked twenty-six risk factors on a Likert type scale .

  15. 第二,本文使用学者罗纪宁的生活形态心理原型量表以及自编的汽车消费态度量表组成广东消费者对汽车的消费态度问卷调查。

    Second , a questionnaire survey was carried out , which contains automobile consumption attitude scale and lifestyle scale in Guangdong province .

  16. 运用态度量表和反应时实验比较了品牌态度强度与品牌态度可达性的关系性质。

    Introduction Brand attitude accessibility is related to brand attitude strength , which is usually viewed as a well-established feature of attitude strength .

  17. 方法编制“家长对残疾儿童随班就读的态度量表”,施测于240名残疾儿童家长与480名正常儿童家长。

    MethodsQuestionnaire on the parents attitude toward learning in regular class was designed and administered to240 parents of handicapped children and480 parents of normal children .

  18. 本研究也表明,飞行员航空安全态度量表的信度和效度均达到了心理测量学的标准,因此,该量表能够作为飞行员航空安全态度的有效测量工具。

    This essay suggests that the scale about the pilots ' attitude of aviation safety fit the standard of psychological surveying in both reliability and availability .

  19. 研究结果显示:干预前,实验组和对照组的职业成熟无显著差异。经过团体咨询,实验组在态度量表分数、能力测验分数以及职业成熟总分上的前后测的差值显著高于对照组。

    The results of the study indicate that : the significantly differences are not shown between the experimental group and controlled group in career maturity before the intervention .

  20. 研究工具包括生命意义感量表、死亡态度量表,以及研究者自行设计的生命教育课程。

    Research tools include a sense of scale the meaning of life , death attitude scale , as well as the life education programs that designed by researcher .

  21. 第一部分通过传统孝道态度量表和家族主义量表对510名大学生的传统孝道态度、家族主义以及二者之间的关系进行了调查。

    In the first part , do a survey on 510 students by using the traditional filial piety and family attitude scale , and explore the relationship between them .

  22. 研究结果显示:(1)残疾人态度量表的中文修订版具有良好的信度和效度,调查结果稳定、可靠。

    Here are the results of research : ( 1 ) The newly translated Chinese edition of the SADP has been proved to have good reliability and validity , and the results are stable and reliable .

  23. 第二部分首先对本研究需要的两个问卷进行了进一步的修编,通过研究二和研究三分别考察了学生科学认识论信念问卷与对科学的态度量表的结构和特点。

    In the second part , also with the primary and secondary school student as subjects , Study 2 and study 3 were designed to investigate the structure and characteristics of epistemological-belief-of-science questionnaire and the attitudes-toward-science questionnaire respectively .

  24. 通过对生物课堂教学的情感态度量表和高二第二学期生物期末考试试卷对学生在学习生物的情感态度和学习成绩两方面进行测试(后测),对前后测进行对比、分析并得出结论。

    The writer has a test on the emotional attitude towards students learning biology and the academic records by the table of emotional attitude towards biology classroom teaching and the biology final-term exam of the second term in Senior 2 , making the comparative analysis and conclusion on the tests .

  25. 治疗前及治疗3、6个月时分别采用简明精神病评定量表(BPRS)、自知力与治疗态度问卷量表(ITAQ)、康复状态量表(MRSS)及自编治疗依从性调查表评定。

    All the patients were assessed and compared with brief psychiatric rating scale ( BPRS ), insight and therapy attitude question scale ( ITAQ ), morning side recovery states scale ( MRSS ), self-developed therapy compliance rating scale before and 3,6 months after treatment .

  26. 采取会谈的方式与家长们交流,详细说明调查的意义及填写LES和SAS的方法,请各位家长以实事求是的态度一次性独立完成量表,并填写一般情况问卷,一次评定约30分钟。

    Exchanging to guardians by a talk , specifying the significance of investigation and the method of filling LES and SAS , asking every guardian to complete independently the scales by the realistic manner , writing the general state of healthy questionnaire , about 30 minutes one time .

  27. 目前态度调查通常是通过量表的形式,所以如何设计出一个有效的态度量表不仅要充分体现调查者的意图,还要使调查数据全面地反映被调查者的信息就显得尤为重要。

    So it is important to design an efficient attitude scale which not only can show the surveyor 's intention but also inflect the enough information of the respondent .

  28. 首先,本文从心理象征角度出发,构建心理象征与汽车消费态度关系模型,提出研究假设,并设计可靠与有效的汽车消费态度量表。

    First of all , the author constructs the " psychological symbol and automobile consumption attitude relationship model " from psychological symbol perspective , and describes the development and validation of a short , reliable and valid attitude scale to measure automobile consumption attitude .