
  1. 网格技术在金融业信息数据处理方面的应用

    Application of Grid Technology to information data process of Financial Field

  2. 不同步交易乃金融中高频数据处理的重要课题之一。

    Nonsynchronous trading is one of the hot issues in financial high-frequency data processing .

  3. 国外银行在提供金融服务、数据处理、熟练的人力资源以及其他较宽范围服务方面更有竞争优势。

    Foreign banks are more competitive in financial service , data processing , professional resources and other service sectors .

  4. 其中,轮轴式金融服务配置数据处理系统专利导致了商业方法专利在美国广泛出现,电子货币系统专利是美国花旗银行在我国申请并获得授权的商业方法类专利。

    And the patent of Shaft-typed Finance Service Data Processing System causes the commercial method patents to emergence widely in the United States of America , and being one kind of the commercial method patents , the Electronic-monetary System has been authorized the patent for Citibank in China .

  5. 此方法可以广泛运用到金融领域的大规模数据处理以及预测中,具有较高的应用价值。

    This method could be widely applied to finance large-scale data processing and forecasting , with a high value .

  6. (xv)提供和传送其他金融服务提供者提供的金融信息、金融数据处理和相关软件;

    ( xv ) Provision and transfer of financial information , and financial data processing and related software by suppliers of other financial services ;

  7. 因此,世界上主要的金融数据提供商也越来越着重于应用ETL技术来设计软件系统,为公司对金融数据的分析和处理提供技术支持。

    Therefore , main financial data providers in the world pay more and more attention to how to design a valuable software system with ETL technology .