
  • 网络Financial Globalization;globalization of finance;Finance Globalization
  1. 随着世界经济一体化和金融全球化的发展,全球银行业之间的竞争越来越激烈,特别是中国加入WTO后,外资银行的强势登陆给中国银行业带来更为持续、直接的压力。

    With the world economic integration and financial globalization , the competition among global banking become more and more intense .

  2. 随着中国加入WTO行程的确定和金融全球化趋势的增强,中国发展开放式基金已是大势所趋。

    With China 's entry into the WTO and financial globalization , it 's an irresistable trend that China develops Open Fund .

  3. 金融全球化的浪潮正席卷全世界,我国在加入WTO后,对外开放进入了一个崭新的阶段,国际间的经济往来日益频繁。

    The stream of finance globalization is sweeping the whole world . After china joined in WTO , the foreign trade is more and more .

  4. 在金融全球化浪潮中,中国商业银行倍受关注地随着正逐步建立和发展市场经济的中国一道进入了WTO的大家族,从而真正参与到了全球金融一体化运作之中。

    Since China enters into WTO , the commercial banks are paid close attention to access WTO in order to participate in the global financial integrative operation .

  5. 加入WTO以后,面对经济与金融全球化的压力和对外开放所带来的外部冲击,我国脆弱的银行体系爆发危机的可能性是存在的。

    After entrance WTO , facing pressure from economy and financial globalization and external impacts , there is possible for a bank crisis breaking out in our country .

  6. 随着我国加入WTO,经济结构不断调整,金融全球化等等,我国证券市场监管将面临更大的挑战。

    As China entered into WTO , the adjustment of economic structure , the globalization of finance and so on , securities market regulation will be confronted with greater challenges .

  7. 在我国加入WTO、金融全球化的形势下,我国国有商业银行面临着前所未有的机遇和严峻的挑战。

    Under the situation of entry to WTO and financial globalization , State-owned Commercial Banks ( SCB ) face opportunity as well as challenge which we have never met before .

  8. 我国加入WTO以后,在经济金融全球化、自由化、一体化的大背景下,人才争夺成为中外资银行竞争的焦点。

    After the entry into WTO , competition between Sino and abroad banks focuses on bidding for talents in the backdrop of economic , financial globalization , liberalization , and unification .

  9. 但是在新形势下&经济结构不断调整、网络信息技术迅猛进步、金融全球化、我国加入WTO等等,我国证券监管需要总结的地方很多,任重而道远。

    However , under the situations of economic restructuring , financial globalization , China 's WTO entry and information technology progressing , China has still a long way to go to fulfill the tough task of further perfecting its securities regulation system .

  10. 随着金融全球化、自由化的迅猛发展,特别是中国加入WTO,中国金融业融入世界金融市场的步伐明显加快,外资银行进入中国对国有商业银行造成的影响日益明显。

    With the rapid development of financial internationalization and globalization , especially after the accession of WTO , pace that Chinese finance enter the world financial market fasten apparently . The influence that foreign bank bring toward the state-owned commercial bank is increasingly obvious .

  11. 进入二十一世纪,面对经济金融全球化速度的加快、客户需求的日趋多样、信息技术的日新月异和WTO背景下更加激烈的同业竞争,国内银行业掀起了一股比上世纪更为声势浩大的信息化革命浪潮。

    Along with the 2000s ' coming , accompanied with globalization of economy and finance , multiplicity of customer requirement , revolutionary development of information technology and drastic competition under WTO-background , there appears the revolution of informationalization in domestic banking which is more spectacular than last century .

  12. 这一方面是弥补传统ISLM模型对现实经济变动反映的不足,另一方面也是对金融全球化时代符号经济与实体经济关联形式化的一种努力。

    The restructured model may both be taken as the adjustment of the neglect of changing economic reality in the traditional IS-LM model and the attempt to formalize the relationship between symbol economy and real economy in the era of financial globalization .

  13. 其中金融全球化则是经济全球化的重要组成部分。

    Which financial globalization is an important part of economic globalization .

  14. 金融全球化与我国金融监管体制的改革

    The Finance Globalization and the Reformation of Our Country Finance System

  15. 金融全球化对阿拉伯国家来说是双刃剑。

    Financial globalization means both opportunities and challenges to Arabic countries .

  16. 金融全球化背景下中国对冲基金发展研究

    The Research on Hedge Funds of China under the Financial Globalization

  17. 经济全球化要求生产国际化、贸易自由化和金融全球化。

    Economic globalization requires production internationalization , trade liberalization and financial globalization .

  18. 金融全球化与中国金融监管的战略选择

    Financial Globalization and the Strategic Selection About China Financial Regulation

  19. 金融全球化激发了全方位的国际金融创新。金融创新的影响非常广泛,主要表现在促进了国际金融企业自身的不断完善和发展。金融创新促进了金融产业的发展。

    Financial globalization is launching a widespread movement of international financial innovation .

  20. 首先,讨论了金融全球化的有关理论,回顾了金融全球化的发展历程。

    First , various theories of financial globalization is discussed .

  21. 中国如何应对金融全球化的冲击

    How is China to cope with shock of financial globalization

  22. 金融全球化背景下金融国际调节的三性分析

    Three Characteristics of International Financial Regulation in the Background of Financial Globalization

  23. 金融全球化对国际经济关系的影响

    On the Effect of Financial Globalization on International Economic Relationship

  24. 金融全球化与发展中国家利益保护

    Financial globalization and the interested protection of the developing countries

  25. 金融全球化的风险与中国金融控制

    China 's Financial Control under the Conditions of Financial Globalization

  26. 金融全球化、现代合约与银企关系

    Financial Globalization , Modern Contract , and Bank-enterprise Relationship

  27. 在经济全球化进程的带动下,金融全球化也不断加快发展。

    Driven by the development of economy globalization , financial globalization develops fast .

  28. 创新和金融全球化发挥着一定作用。

    Innovation and financial globalisation have played a part .

  29. 首先,探讨了金融全球化背景下宏观经济稳定的重要性。

    First part explores the macroeconomic stabilities in the context of financial globalization .

  30. 金融全球化·金融风险·国际金融体制改革

    Globalization of Finance , Finance Risk and the Reform of International Finance System