
jīn rónɡ zhì cái
  • financial sanction
  1. 为此,美国正试图对朝实施非正式的金融制裁,联同联合国安理会(unsecuritycouncil)的各项努力,以此加大对朝鲜的压力。

    To that end , the US is seeking to increase pressure by imposing informal financial sanctions alongside efforts at the United Nations Security Council .

  2. 朝鲜政府已对美国的金融制裁做出愤怒回应。自去年9月份以来,美国先后冻结了朝鲜在澳门汇业银行(BancoDeltaAsia)的2400万美元资金。

    Pyongyang has responded angrily to US action against the Banco Delta Asia ( BDA ) in Macau , where $ 24m of North Korean money has been frozen since September .

  3. 不过,由于美国对朝鲜实行了金融制裁,危及金正日(kimjong-il)的政权,导致朝鲜在随后一年多时间里拒绝回到谈判桌前。

    But Pyongyang refused to return to the negotiating table for more than a year after Washington put in place financial sanctions that hurt the regime of Kim Jong-il .

  4. 然而,通过金融制裁来限制伊朗的石油收入也存在问题。

    However , using a financial embargo to restrain oil revenues also has problems .

  5. 如果俄罗斯受到严厉的金融制裁,那么由此带来的伤害可能会迅速削弱他的权力。

    If Russia is targeted with tough financial sanctions , the resulting damage could quickly undermine his power .

  6. 自反抗活动开始以来,我们对阿萨德及其数十名亲信实施了严厉的金融制裁。

    Since the unrest began , we have imposed strong financial sanctions on Asad and dozens of his cronies .

  7. 朝鲜坚称,除非美国取消对朝金融制裁,否则朝鲜不会重返六方会谈。

    North Korea has insisted it will not resume six-party talks unless the US calls off its financial campaign .

  8. 克林顿说,奥巴马政府正致力于增加对叙利亚的压力,其中包括增加金融制裁。

    Clinton said the Obama administration is committed to increasing the pressure on Syria , including through additional financial sanctions .

  9. 无论出现哪种情况,有一点是显而易见的:市场需要关注的风险来自金融制裁手段,而非空袭。

    In either case , it is clear that financial tools , not air strikes , are the market-moving risk to watch .

  10. 罗德里格斯对联合国大会说,主要的问题在于美国仍然对古巴实行贸易和金融制裁。

    Rodriguez told the assembly that the chief problem is that the U.S. embargo against trade and financial activity remains in place .

  11. 针对最近这轮攻势,欧盟外长们将于今天在布鲁塞尔展开磋商,讨论更多金融制裁的必要性。

    In the light of the latest offensive , EU foreign ministers will discuss the need for more financial penalties in Brussels today .

  12. 回应措施的另一头应该是威胁对俄罗斯采取广泛的金融制裁,类似于对伊朗实施的制裁。

    At the other end of the spectrum should lie a threat of broad financial sanctions against Russia akin to those applied to Iran .

  13. 美国选择了一条相反的路径:加强对朝鲜的金融制裁许多朝鲜观察人士认为,以往的制裁几乎未能改变朝鲜的行为。

    The US has chosen an opposite tack : enforcing financial sanctions that many North Korea watchers believe have done little to change its behaviour .

  14. 奥巴马对普京说,第二天将对普京的助手实施制裁和旅行禁令,还说金融制裁力度也可能加强。

    Mr. Obama told Mr. Putin that sanctions and travel bans would be slapped on his aides the following day and that financial sanctions could intensify .

  15. 尽管金融制裁存在种种问题,但至少有可能向伊朗施加仅凭石油禁运无法施加的压力。

    Despite the problems with financial sanctions , at least they have some possibility of pressing Iran in a way that a simple oil embargo cannot .

  16. 问:你是否认为美国对朝实施的金融制裁是六方会谈进程出现的复杂因素之一?

    Q : Do you consider the financial sanctions imposed on the DPRK by the U.S.as one of the complicating factors emerging in the Six-Party Talks process ?

  17. 美国国务次卿伯恩斯利用在国会作证的机会再次强调美国及盟友在伊朗问题上的双轨方案,即同时采取经济和金融制裁以及激励措施。

    Undersecretary of State Burns used his testimony to reiterate the two-track approach of the United States and its partners , combining economic and financial sanctions with incentives :

  18. 朝鲜方面认为,金融制裁证明了美国对朝鲜的敌对政策。对此,希尔仅仅表示各方已就这一问题达成谅解。

    On the financial sanctions that North Korea says exemplify the US 's hostile policy , Mr Hill said only that the parties had an understanding of the issue .

  19. 金融制裁举措应该主要针对俄方威胁金融体系完整性的非法行为。事实证明,这种方法在针对伊朗的制裁中非常有效。

    These financial measures should be targeted principally on Russian illicit conduct that threatens the integrity of the financial system . This approach has proved highly effective in Iran .

  20. 美国对中国施压,要求中国就伊朗核计划对其采取金融制裁。现在有迹象显示这种压力初见成效:从中国进口产品的伊朗商人抱怨两国贸易出现限制。

    US pressure on Beijing to impose financial sanctions on Tehran over its nuclear programme is showing signs of yielding results , with Iranians who import goods from China complaining about restrictions on trade .

  21. 对于沃尔克规则,以及美国在洗钱、金融制裁和逃税问题上对以银行身份在美国经营的公司的强硬态度,中信不是唯一感到担忧的外资银行。

    Citic is not the only foreign bank concerned about the Volcker rule , and tough US stances on money-laundering , financial sanctions and tax evasion for companies that operate as banks within the US .

  22. 朝鲜一直坚持,只有在美国政府取消制裁的情况下,该国才会重返六方会谈,但布什政府拒绝了这一要求,称金融制裁与朝核问题完全是两码事。

    Pyongyang has been insisting that Washington lift the sanctions before it would return to the talks , but the Bush administration had refused , saying the financial issue was entirely separate from the nuclear problem .

  23. 由于美国和欧盟为迫使伊朗停止核试验而对其实施了金融制裁,伊朗从其主要亚洲客户(比如印度和中国)那里越来越难以获得硬通货。

    Iran has faced growing difficulty in obtaining hard currency from its main Asian consumers , such as India and China , owing to financial sanctions imposed by the US and the EU over its nuclear programme .

  24. 但美国政府本可以(现在仍然应该这么做)推动一系列更为强有力的经济举措,包括金融制裁,以展示其维护国际行为基本准则的决心。

    But Washington could have assembled ( and should still do so ) a much stronger set of economic measures , including financial sanctions , as a demonstration of its determination to defend basic international norms of behaviour .

  25. 尽管没有任何一种限制伊朗石油收入的手段是完美的,至少金融制裁引起公众强烈反对的可能性不像石油禁运那么大,后者会被视为对伊朗的攻击。

    While no route to restricting Iranian oil revenues is perfect , at least financial sanctions are not as likely to lead to a popular backlash as an oil embargo , which would be seen as an attack on Iran .

  26. 2012年初开始,美国通过法律,对与伊朗中央银行(centralbankofiran)开展的金融交易实施制裁。

    At the start of 2012 the US passed legislation imposing sanctions against undertaking financial transactions with the Central Bank of Iran .

  27. 此外,阿拉伯国家可能实施它们曾威胁采取、但从未实施的各项金融和经济制裁。

    Arab states could step up the pressure on Mr Assad by implementing financial and economic sanctions they had threatened but never adopted .

  28. 但唐熙华表示,俄罗斯在北极未开发资源和西伯利亚页岩油气储量的开采受到制裁的威胁,由于金融上的制裁,这些大型集团将开始削减它们的活动。

    But Russian production from untapped resources in the Arctic and shale reserves in Siberia are threatened by sanctions , he said . Because of financial sanctions , the big gorillas are going to start cutting their activities .

  29. 但唐熙华表示,俄罗斯在北极未开发资源和西伯利亚页岩油气储量的开采受到制裁的威胁,“由于金融上的制裁,这些大型集团将开始削减它们的活动”。

    But Russian production from untapped resources in the Arctic and shale reserves in Siberia are threatened by sanctions , he said . " Because of financial sanctions , the big gorillas are going to start cutting their activities . "