
jīn gāng zuàn
  • diamond;insect
金刚钻 [jīn gāng zuàn]
  • (1) [insect]∶昆虫,成虫是黄绿色小蛾,前翅有三个小红点,后翅银白色,幼虫纺锤形,淡灰色,有肉刺。是农业害虫

  • (2) [diamond]∶金刚石

金刚钻[jīn gāng zuàn]
  1. 讲硬度,金刚钻是独一无二的。

    With regard to hardness , the diamond is in a class by itself .

  2. 既然没有那金刚钻,为什么还装电源啊?

    Since does not have that diamond , why also installs the power source ?

  3. 坚硬是金刚钻的特性。

    Hardness is a property of diamonds .

  4. 金刚钻是一种宝石。高温高压生长宝石级金刚石单晶的实验与理论研究

    The Experimental and Theoretical Study about Synthesis of Diamond Single Crystal under HPHT

  5. 地球是一颗大金刚钻!

    The world is a great diamond .

  6. 金刚钻和翡翠都是藏在顶粗大的石中的,它们的美丽和价值在外面一点都看不出来。

    Sometimes diamonds are done up in rough packages , so that their value cannot be seen .

  7. 金刚钻闪出灿烂的光辉。蔚蓝天空,阳光灿烂。

    The diamond sparkles with brilliant light . The sky is clear and blue , the sunlight dazzling .

  8. 他梦见自己走进了岩洞,只见绿玉铺地,红玉筑墙,洞顶闪闪发光,挂满了金刚钻凝成的钟乳石。

    He ascended into grottos paved with emeralds , with panels of rubies , and the roof glowing with diamond stalactites .

  9. 有一天她旁边躺着一件甚么东西。这东西射出美丽的光彩。织补针认为它是一颗金刚钻。不过事实上它是一个瓶子的碎片。

    One day something lying close to the darning-needle glittered so splendidly that she thought it was a diamond ; yet it was only a piece of broken bottle .

  10. 符合完美邦女郎形象的包括在1979年上映的《登月计划》中饰演“妙算博士”的路易斯•智利,在1971年上映的《金刚钻》中饰演普兰蒂·奥图尔的拉娜•伍德。

    Those who fit the ideal type include Lois Chiles as Dr Holly Goodhead in Moonraker ( 1979 ) and Lana Wood as Plenty O'Toole in Diamonds Are Forever ( 1971 ) .

  11. 四种金刚砂钻针切割效率及耐用性的比较研究

    An evaluation of the cutting efficiency and duration of four kinds of diamond burs

  12. 很快,我就可练成金刚指,可钻穿煤灰砖墙。

    Soon I 'd be able to punch through cinderblock walls with just one rigid finger .