
  • 网络Creative Studio
  1. 土坯的反应是下降的创意工作室在未来版本的工具支持。

    Adobe responded by dropping support for the tool in coming versions of Creative Studio .

  2. 这两个男孩都是曼彻斯特创意工作室的学生,他们在一次创业活动中展示设计方案时,维珍传媒找到了他们。

    The boys , both students at the Manchester Creative Studio , were approached by Virgin Media when presenting their device at a start-up event .

  3. 创意工作室QuanticDream创始人大卫?凯奇演示了游戏机制造商推出下一部硬件设备时可能呈现出怎样的图像。

    David Cage , founder of innovative studio Quantic Dream , demoed what kinds of graphics would be possible on the console maker 's next hardware release .

  4. 设计产品设计师丽娜梅耶尔和平面设计师莎拉凯雷宁-格拉姆纳,谁是创意工作室Yra两人后面。

    Designed by product designer Lina Meier and graphic designer Sara Keranen-Gramner , who are the creative duo behind Studio Yra .

  5. 谷红饰家创意工作室是由一批富有朝气、活力的年轻人构成主体力量的创作型团队。

    Guhong Deco-Creative Studio is a team by mainly dynamic young people with fresh ideas .

  6. 快中午的时候我们和在同一栋楼的另外两个创意工作室一起吃饭,然后再带我们的狗去散步。

    Around noon we have lunch together with two other creative studios who work in the same building and it 's time to walk our dog again .

  7. 文胜传媒创意工作室是一家专业从事期刊杂志设计、企业画册设计、企业内刊设计、企业海报设计的设计团体。

    Wen-Sheng Media is a creative studio specializing in design journals , business book design , Journal of the enterprise design , poster design corporate design groups .

  8. 青鸟新媒体艺术(身为青鸟创意工作室,2004扩大成立青鸟新媒体艺术有限公司)一结合艺术创意与技术、计与执行的团队。

    Established in2004 , the bluephoenix new media arts , whose antecedent is the bluephoenix creative studio , is a team , who combines art designs , originality creativities , technologies and implement .

  9. 英国曼彻斯特创意工作室的几位年轻人发明了一种可追踪你脉搏的手环—这种手环能在你打盹的时候,打开数字录像盒录下电视节目保证你不会错过任何精彩。

    A couple of teenagers at England 's Manchester Creative Studio have developed a wristband that tracks your pulse - so it can turn on your TiVo box when you nod off , ensuring that you don 't miss the rest of your show .

  10. 制作3D画作的想法是由西班牙毕尔包的一家创意打印工作室EstudiosDurero研发的。

    The three-dimensional masterpieces are the brainchild of Estudios Durero , a graphics art organization in Bilbao , Spain .

  11. 在EA洛杉矶荣誉勋章开发团队已经手工挑选出来的总经理肖恩戴克,执行制片格雷格古德里奇和丰富的资深创意总监法雷利工作室领导。

    The Medal of Honor development team at EALA has been hand-selected by the studio leadership of General Manager Sean Decker , Executive Producer Greg Goodrich and Senior Creative Director Rich Farrelly .

  12. 狄克逊监督项目的创意总监设计研究工作室

    Dixon oversaw the project as creative director of Design Research Studio .