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  1. 西英格兰大学的研究人员调查了5000名火车乘客,他们往返于伦敦到伯明翰与伦敦到艾尔斯伯里两条通勤路线。

    Researchers at the University of West England surveyed 5000 train passengers commuting on the London to Birmingham and London to Aylesbury routes .

  2. 英国白金汉郡艾尔斯伯里的一个小火车站屡屡接到投诉电话称火车售票机无法正常运行,检测后才发现是四只小睡鼠把这台机器当成了自己的家。

    A family of four Glis dormice were found in the ticket machine on the platform of a little train station in Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire after complaints it had stopped working .