- Titanic;RMS Titanic;My heart will go on

The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage .
I have a detailed miniature of the titanic .
The Olympic class included the Olympic , the Britannic and the Titanic .
The Titanic was the first to sink after famously hitting a huge iceberg in 1912 .
What you may not know is that the Titanic wasn 't even the flagship of this class .
The Olympic launched first in 1910 , followed by the Titanic in 1911 , and lastly the Britannic in 1914 .
You probably know about the Titanic , but it was actually just one of three state-of-the-art ocean ships back in the day .
The Olympic got wrecked before the Titanic did , but it was the only one to survive and maintain a successful career of 24 years .
While two of these ships sank , they were all designed with double hulls believed to make them " unsinkable " , perhaps a mistaken idea that led to the Titanic 's and the Britannic 's tragic end .
Robert Blyth from the National Maritime , which means studying it now is vital .
They want to assess how long it will be before the Titanic is finally lost to the sea .
Lying nearly 4000 metres down in the Atlantic . It 's rusty and covered in sea life , but still recognisable more than one hundred years after the Titanic sank .
the first time , in 2012 , it was released in 3D in movie theaters .
Titanic 3D ' Poster : Celebrate Valentine 's Day With One Of The Most Romantic Movies Ever
A newly discovered species of rust-eating bacteria is eating the wreck of the Titanic , researchers say .
And this will be Titanic as you 've never seen it before , digitally remastered and painstakingly converted to3D .
Ltd. , and that design work for the Titanic II has begun with assistance from a historical research team .
The diesel-powered ship will have four smoke stacks like the coal-powered original , but they will be purely decorative .
Dean spoke last year at the theme of being the oldest survivor .
They have been compared to Jack and Rose from Titanic when Elena walks down the stairs to meet Damon at the dance .
This is like calling for research into radar while the Titanic sinks .
This problem may also have also contributed to the sinking of the Titanic .
Prepare to hear that famous line repeatedly as Titanic , the 1997 epic romance , is relaunched into theaters on April 10 – complete with a 3-D makeover .
A team of scientists will launch an expedition to the Titanic next month to assess the condition of the wreck and create a detailed three-dimensional map , AP reports .
He appeared to compare the German chancellor to a first class passenger on the Titanic .
During a recent rendition of My Heart Will Go On , from the movie Titanic , her mouth barely moved and her gestures suggested a crossing guard directing traffic .
While the Titanic II would carry around 1680 passengers , most modern cruise ships create economies of scale by catering for more than 2000 passengers , he said .
The only reason that Avatar won 't top Titanic at the box office is that there are not enough digital screens around the world to show it in all its3D wonder .
Australian mining billionaire / professor Clive Palmer and his Blue Star Line Company held a press conference in New York City to reveal the blueprints for Titanic II in 2013 .
Which basically means you 're probably going to watch Titanic at some point during the next 24 hours , and relive the doomed romance of Jack and Rose .