
  1. 据历史记载,西周前已有72位君王登临泰山祭祀。

    According to historical records , prior to the western zhou Dynasty , 72 monarchs climbed Mount Tai to perform sacrifices .

  2. 因此,泰山祭祀是连接统治者与百姓的桥梁,能引起双方共鸣。

    Therefore , Tai mountain is connected with the people sacrifice ruler of the bridge , can cause both sides resonance .

  3. 这种由帝王在泰山举行的祭祀天地的仪式包括了宗教、政治、经济、军事、文学等多方面的内涵,蕴藏着极为丰富的文化信息。

    This kind of ceremony which is held on Tai Shan Mountain to offer sacrifices to the heaven and the earth by the emperor . It is enriched in a lot of cultural messages and includes the connotations of religion , politics , military , literature and many other aspects .