
hē qian
  • yawn
呵欠 [hē qiàn]
  • [yawn] 困倦时往往情不自禁地张开大口吸气的现象

  • 深深打了个呵欠

呵欠[hē qian]
  1. 她忍住了呵欠。

    She managed to stifle a yawn .

  2. 他装着打了一个呵欠。

    He faked a yawn .

  3. 他敞开睡衣站着打呵欠。

    He stood yawning , his pyjama jacket gaping open .

  4. 她打着呵欠,舒适地转身侧向一边。

    She turned luxuriantly on her side , yawning .

  5. 他打了个呵欠,伸了伸懒腰。

    He yawned and stretched

  6. 他站起来伸伸懒腰,打个呵欠。

    He got up with a stretch and a yawn .

  7. 我感到很困,止不住地打呵欠

    I felt so sleepy I couldn ' t stop yawning .

  8. 他打了个呵欠,把身子再蜷拢点儿,往雨披里缩了缩。

    He yawned and curled his body down farther beneath the poncho .

  9. 在阿拉斯加的德纳里国家公园(DenaliNationalPark),一只赤狐正大张了嘴打着呵欠。

    Photograph by Joel Sartore In Alaska 's Denali National Park , a red fox opens wide for a yawn .

  10. 法官确认下级法院的决定。v.打呵欠同:gape

    The judge upheld the decision of the lower court .

  11. 据BBC新闻网报道,研究人员先让实验对象观看人们大笑、正常状态以及打呵欠的视频,然后计算出志愿者“传染性打呵欠”的次数。

    Study participants were shown videos of people laughing , being neutral and yawning , and researchers counted how many times the volunteers responded to their own ' contagious yawns , ' reported the online edition of BBC News .

  12. 如果你打很多呵欠有时它会学你的。

    If you yawn a lot , sometimes he copies you .

  13. 我们厌烦得要命,禁不住打起了呵欠。

    We were so bored that we couldn 't help yawning .

  14. 她停下工作抬起头来打了个呵欠。

    She looked up from her work and gave a yawn .

  15. 她忍住了又一个呵欠,努力地试图显得感兴趣。

    She stifled another yawn and tried hard to look interested .

  16. 听音乐会的第一部分节目时我一直在打呵欠。

    I yawned all through the first part of the concert .

  17. 三又三分之一个。提利昂打了个呵欠。

    Three and a third , Tyrion said with a yawn .

  18. 一个打呵欠的人在拂晓躺在草地上。

    A yawning man is lying on a lawn in the dawn .

  19. 我感到很困,止不住地打呵欠。

    I felt so sleepy I couldn 't stop yawning .

  20. 明天早上我再告诉你,亚伦一边打呵欠一边说。

    Tell you in the morning , @ yawned Aaron .

  21. 奈德朝他望去时,培提尔伯爵正忍住呵欠。

    As Ned looked to him , Lord Petyr stifled a yawn .

  22. 菲德先生的呵欠使保罗感到十分惊恐;

    Paul was quite alarmed by Mr Feeder 's yawning ;

  23. 打呵欠华尔希先生一边看晚报一边打呵欠。

    yawn vi. Mr. Walsh yawned over the evening papers .

  24. 柔嘉打个面积一寸见方的大呵欠。

    She let out a big yawn a full inch square in area .

  25. 在全世界快速飞奔了一夜,很疲倦却非常愉快。打了一个大呵欠后,圣诞老人就睡着了。

    After a big yawn , Santa falls asleep .

  26. 他眨眨眼睛,打了个呵欠,然后朝四周扫了一眼。

    He blinked , yawned and looked around him .

  27. 因为瞌睡,他又打呵欠又伸懒腰。他倦了,又打呵欠又伸懒腰。

    Being sleepy , he yawned and stretched himself .

  28. 那是一次枯燥无味的交谈,我不得不强忍住自己的呵欠。

    It was an uninteresting converstion and I had to stifle a yawn .

  29. 打著呵欠巡逻演讲会的会员会以鼓励及支持的方式互相激励。

    Yawn Patrol members push each other – but with encouragement and support .

  30. 萨拉一边打呵欠,一边疲惫地爬到床上。

    Sara yawned as she climbed wearily into bed .
