
  • 网络Lalo;Rallo;LARO
  1. “绝对是这样。”拉罗说。

    Absolutely , she said .

  2. 拉罗发现,工薪阶层的子女更快乐,更独立,抱怨少并且与家人的关系更亲密。

    Working-class children are happier , more independent , complain less and are closer with family members , Ms. Lareau found .

  3. 拉罗说,高收入家庭的子女可以更自如地应对官场上的事宜,在学习和工作中也易取得成功。

    Children from higher-income families are likely to have the skills to navigate bureaucracies and succeed in schools and workplaces , Ms. Lareau said .

  4. 安妮特·拉罗认为,中产阶级和较高收入的父母将子女看成需要精心培育的工程。拉罗对该主题的研究具有突破性意义,并将结论发表在《不平等的童年:阶级、种族和家庭生活》一书中。

    Middle-class and higher-income parents see their children as projects in need of careful cultivation , says Annette Lareau , whose groundbreaking research on the topic was published in her book Unequal Childhoods : Class , Race and Family Life .

  5. CNN特派员大卫·主肯锡醇厚、拗黑、滋味十足,拉罗咖啡可算是世上最昂贵的咖啡了。

    DAVID MCKENZIE , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Rich , dark , full of flavor-Caffe Raro , counted as the world 's most expensive coffee .

  6. CNN特派员大卫·圭肯锡:但是专家向我保证,拉罗咖啡绝对值得一试……至少一次。

    DAVID MCKENZIE , CNN CORRESPONDENT : But the expert assures me that the Raro coffee is something you should definitely try ... once .

  7. 近日,一只黑熊在美国阿拉斯加州Tok小镇附近的高速公路上四处游荡,之后,兰迪·拉罗拍下了这头体重100磅、看起来大约三岁的熊的视频。

    Randy Rallo captured footage of the 100lb bear , estimated to be around three years old , after it wandered onto the Alaska Highway near Tok .

  8. 她们每天的日程安排中布满了社会学家安妮特・拉罗(AnnetteLareau)和艾略特・魏因宁格(ElliotWeininger)所说的“压力点”,或者按照两位作者的话说就是,让她们生活变得“更抓狂”、毫无商量余地的要求。

    Their daily routine is speckled with what sociologists Annette Lareau and Elliot Weininger call ' pressure points , ' or nonnegotiable demands that make their lives , as the authors put it , ' more frenetic . '

  9. 头等车厢的香槟,拉罗查小姐。

    Champagne with your first-class seats , Mademoiselle La roche .

  10. 我祝你一路走好,拉罗查小姐。

    I bid you farewell , miss la roche .

  11. 所以我们必须在她之前找到拉罗杜拉克。

    Which is why we need to get to lazlo Drake before she does .

  12. 一群男生要去捉弄老教授拉罗谢。

    A couple of the boys wanted to put one over on old professor laroche .

  13. 拉罗歌剧《国王》:女主角‘玛格丽特’的演唱及表演风格

    La Opera " the King ": Actress ' Marguerite ' Style of Singing and Performing

  14. 拉罗歇尔国际现代艺术节

    La Rochelle Contemporary International Art Festival

  15. 拉罗汤加的板球比赛,在艾图塔基岛的阿鲁坦加村举行。

    Game of cricket between Rarotonga , Aitutaki takes place at sports ground in small viallage of Arutanga .

  16. 如果还有你需要的,请尽管吩咐,拉罗查小姐。

    If there 's anything else you would like , just let us know , miss la roche .

  17. 拉罗表示,随后他马上给阿拉斯加渔猎管理部门打了电话请其来处理。

    Rallo said he immediately called the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to come and rescue it .

  18. 拉罗发现,工薪阶层子女更快乐、更独立、抱怨少,与家庭成员更亲近。

    Working-class children are happier , more independent , whine less and are closer with family members , Ms. Lareau found .

  19. 据AND.com报道,在拉罗及其他司机们等待救援队到来时,有一位司机尝试将黑熊头部的咖啡罐拔下来--这是个看起来年代比较久远的咖啡罐。

    As Rallo and the motorists waited for the rescue team to arrive , one man attempted to remove the can - which turned out to be an antique coffee tin - from the bear 's head , reported ADN . com 。