
  • 网络Mitsue
  1. 无藻萍的RAPD分析及其在三膘组满江红种间关系研究中的应用

    RAPD analysis of Anabaena-free Azolla and its application in the study of interspecific relationships within section Azolla

  2. 不同光照条件下4种满江红(Azolla)品系体内多酚氧化酶活性的变化

    Variation in in vivo Polyphenol Oxidase Activity of Four Azolla Strains Under Different Illumination Conditions

  3. 相关分析发现,3种酶活性均同满江红的生产性能呈显著相关:固氮酶和POD酶活性呈正相关,SOD酶呈负相关。

    The correlation analysis revealed that three tested enzymes had a significant correlation with Azolla productivity while nitrogenase and POD indicated the positive correlation and SOD indicated the negative correlation .

  4. 满江红(Azolla)光合作用特性的研究

    Studies on Photosynthetic Characters of Azolla

  5. 人工培养液中满江红的繁殖系数、固氮酶和过氧化物酶(POD)活性显著高于其它2种水体培养,而超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)的活性差异却不显著。

    In artificial medium , Azolla had a significantly higher productivity , nitrogenase and peroxidase ( POD ) activity than in two natural water media but the superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) activities had little difference .

  6. Azolla中占据3个种的分类地位提出疑问。但要完全解决满江红属的系统学问题,分子生物学技术将是重要手段。

    For completely solving the problem in systematics of the genus Azolla , molecular biological technique is regarded as an important means .

  7. 满江红(Azollaimbricata)天然资源丰富,产量高,渔业利用价值比较大。

    The natural resources of Azolla imbricata is abundant , with a high yield and a valuable fishery use .

  8. 满江红多胺氧化酶部分特性研究

    A study on some properties of polyamine oxidase from Azolla imbricata

  9. 满江红的光饱和点大约在10000勒克司。

    About 10,000 lux were required for saturation in A imbricata .

  10. 小叶满江红共生蓝细菌的细胞程序性死亡研究

    Studies on Programmed Cell Death of the Symbiotic Cyanobacteria within Azolla Microphylla

  11. 用乙炔还原法测定满江红的固氮活性

    A measure of nitrogen fixation activity of Azolla imbricata by acetylene reduction

  12. 满江红多胺氧化酶的抽提与初步纯化

    Extraction and preliminary purification of polyamine oxidase from Azolla imbricata

  13. 回交满江红3号(MH3-1)若干抗逆特性研究

    Studies on some Adverse-resistant Characteristics of Back-crossed Progeny ( MH 3-1 ) of Azolla

  14. 满江红的微量元素与固氮酶活性

    Micronutrients and activity of nitrogenase in Azolla

  15. 满江红属系统学研究的新进展

    The Progress in Systematic Studies of Azolla

  16. 满江红腺毛细胞的超微结构

    The ultrastructure of hair cells in Azolla

  17. 本文报道的方法可用于满江红生理生态参量的比较研究。

    The methods here reported were suggested using to measure the ecological-physiology parameters of Azolla germplasms .

  18. 用透射和扫描电镜观察了蕨状满江红茎尖、成熟叶腔内以及胚的腺毛超微结构。

    The ultrastructure of Azolla filiculoides was investigated by means of transmission and scanning electron microscopy .

  19. 影响小孢子育性的两个主要因素是外界环境条件和遗传因素。讨论了小孢子育性研究对满江红物种划分的意义。

    The significance of study on the fertility in Azolla microspore to Azolla taxonomy was also discussed .

  20. 时代之子与时代之声&也谈岳飞的《满江红》

    The Son of the Times and the Voice of the Times & Also on " River Full of Red " by Yue Fei ;

  21. 满江红孢子果空间诱变效应的研究Ⅱ空间条件对不同品系满江红耐荫性的影响

    Research on the Effects of Space Induction of Sporocarps of Azolla ⅱ Effect of Space Conditions on the Shade Tolerance of Different Species of Azolla

  22. 他站在桦皮舟尖吻般的船头上,眺望着上下无际的满江流冰。

    Standing in the sharply pointed bow , he gazed at the endless expanse of flowing ice , up and down the length of the river .

  23. 经生育期观察,高空处理的19号满江红品系生长速率明显提高,且表现出一定的耐荫性。

    From the observation of the breeding period , it has been found that the growing rate of Azolla strain 19 has improved obviously and the strain 19 displays some shade-tolerance .

  24. 结果表明,光照影响各满江红品系的生长速率与抗霉腐病能力,随着光照强度减弱,各品系的生长速率和抗霉腐病能力都下降。

    The results showed that illumination affected the growth rate and resistance of Azolla against black rot disease , both of which were lower under weak light ( Tables 1,2 ) .

  25. 在那里他创作了《民族解放交响乐》、管弦乐组曲《满江红》以及管弦乐作品《中国狂想曲》。

    It was here that he composed the symphonies Liberation of the Nation and Sacred War , and the suites Red All Over the River and Chinese Rhapsody for winds and strings .

  26. 如果没有共和国警备队的反击,南朝鲜伪军推进到鸭绿江和豆满江是没有问题的。

    If there is not return of guard team of the republic , the puppet army of South Korea have no question to Yalu River and beans and full river to advance .

  27. 0℃24小时或40℃2小时暗预处理对三种满江红光合活性与乙炔还原活性表现出不同影响(图3,4)。

    The photosynthetic and acetylene reduction activities of the three Azolla species were influenced in different pattern by the pretreatment of 24 hours dark 0 ℃ or 2 hours dark 40 ℃ ( Fig. 3,4 ) .