首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 此刻我们在通往上宫的途中。

    Now we were on the way to the Upper Belvedere .

  2. 河南上宫金矿蚀变岩型含金矿石的选矿实践与展望

    Ore dressing practice of altered rock type of gold-bearing ores in Shang-Gong Gold Mine and its prospects

  3. 这并不是某种基因传承的结果,而是制度限制,再加上克里姆林宫所传播的那扭曲的经济和道德刺激所引发的结果。

    This is not some genetic legacy , but the result of institutional restrictions and the skewed economic and moral stimuli propagated by the Kremlin .

  4. 第五部分,通过分析宫体诗和花间词的异同,从影响与接受上昭示宫体诗在文学史上的存在意义。

    The artistic value of Gong-Ti poetry is exposed in influence and acceptance by comparing the Gong-Ti ' poetry and the Hua Jian-Ci in the fifth part .

  5. 在所有可能的选择中,我认为最严重和最普遍的问题是地球上最宫有的人和最贫穷的人之间曰益增长的鸿沟。

    Among all the possible choices , I decided that the most serious and universal problem is the growing chasm between the richest and poorest people on earth .

  6. 文章认为该诗既是在内容、风格上对宫体诗的自赎和革新,也是在思想、审美上对中国传统文化精神的继承和开拓。

    As one important part of traditional flower culture of China , the traditional Flower God culture of China has many kinds of culture implications , and it is valuable to develop for tourism .

  7. 置器后B超测量IUD上缘至宫底外缘的距离。

    The length from the upper end of the vertical arm of the IUD to the external uterine fundus was measured with B ultrasound after the bladder was filled .

  8. 历史上修建布达拉宫的过程是怎样的?

    What was the course of building the Potala Palace in history ?

  9. 她们登上伦敦亚历山德拉宫的舞台一展风采,两小时之后,一个新的优胜者产生了。

    And they strutted onto the stage at London 's Alexandra Palace and after two hours , a new winner was announced .

  10. 很讽刺啊您正处于过渡期上而双鱼宫的满月带给您了很多混乱的事情。

    Because you 're already in the midst of a period of transition , the events triggered by the recent Pisces Full Moon seemed especially unsettling .

  11. 学子在左岸犯了法,得在小岛上的司法宫受审,却要在右岸的鹰山受惩处。

    Offences committed by the scholars on the left bank were tried in the law courts on the island , and were punished on the right bank at Montfaucon ;

  12. 首先,5月24日的新月将出现在你星盘上的精神宫并将影响个人隐私以及已经对你关上门的某个工作。

    First , the new moon of May24 will appear in a psychological part of your chart and also an area that rules privacy and work done behind closed doors .

  13. 黄道带上第四宫;太阳月日至月日在此区域。布谷鸟,四月来,五月在,仲夏唱支歌,然后就飞开。

    The fourth sign of the zodiac ; the sun is in this sign from June 21 to July 22 . sings a song at midsummer , and then goes away .

  14. 事实上,克里姆林宫经常为自己的做法辩护,特别是在应对国外舆论时。他们常说俄罗斯民众“民智尚未开化”,公民意识不强。

    In fact , the Kremlin often defends its actions , particularly to foreigners , by pointing to the " mindlessness " of Russians and the lack of a strong civil society .

  15. 莫斯科“自由任务基金会”的克雷金说,这个委员会也许在言辞上讨好克里姆林宫官员,没有提及他们言辞背后所隐藏的意思。

    Igor Klyamkin , of the Liberal Mission Foundation in Moscow , told VOA the commission may be parroting the rhetoric of Kremlin officials , without regard for the hidden meaning of their words .

  16. 我坐在宫门台阶上,欣赏宫门口那一座大花坛,花坛里栽的是红、黄、白、紫四色分明的盛开的郁金香。

    B.I sat on one of the steps at the entrance of the palace enjoying the colourful blooming tulips in red , yellow , white and purple which were grown in the big flower-bed near the gate .

  17. 他搭上了开往托特纳姆宫路的东向地铁列车。

    He caught an eastbound train to Tottenham Court Road .

  18. 棺材上装饰着天秤宫的标记。

    The casket is decorated with the sign of Libra .

  19. 民间传说月亮上有广寒宫,宫里住着嫦娥和玉兔。

    According to a Chinese folktale , Fairy Chang E lives with her moon rabbit in the Moon Palace .

  20. 于世俗上,第八宫掌管赌博,欠债,共同投资,遗产及继承权。

    On the mundane level , the8th house deals with debts , loans , joint finances , legacies and inheritances .

  21. 您至少穿得比他好。小指头俏皮地说,蓝礼大人花在衣服上的钱,宫里的夫人太太恐怕都没几个比得上。

    Though much better dressed , Littlefinger quipped . Lord Renly spends more on clothing than half the ladies of the court .

  22. 彼佳刚到广场上,整个克里姆林宫的钟声和人们欢快地谈笑声就清清楚楚地传进耳朵里。

    As soon as Petya got into the square , he heard the ringing of bells and the joyous hum of the crowd filling the whole Kremlin .

  23. 具有自由主义和亲商业倾向的普罗霍罗夫和库德林,可能被看作这一角色的天然领导人,同时在表面上显得与克里姆林宫不合。

    Liberal and pro-business , Mr Prokhorov and Mr Kudrin could be seen as natural leaders for that role , while at the same time appearing at odds with the Kremlin .

  24. 船上的大娘自然还得留他上“三元宫”看夜戏,到“四海春”去喝清茶。

    The madam on the boat was bound to keep him to see an opera and go to four seas teahouse .