
  1. 古生代中生代之交的生物绝灭和地质事件四川广元上寺二叠系三叠系界线和事件的初步研究

    Mass extinction and geological events between Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Era

  2. 按照优先率,上寺组一名应当保留,继续使用。

    According to priority , the term of the Shangsi Formation should be reserved .

  3. 日本数百万民众纷纷在寺庙膜拜,祈求2010年福运亨通;在东京的增上寺,大批透明气球午夜时分升入夜空。

    Millions in Japan prayed at shrines for good fortune in2010.At Tokyo 's Zojo-ji Buddhist temple , clear balloons were released into the air at midnight .

  4. 本文报道了贵州罗甸沫阳、四川广元上寺和重庆中梁山二叠系及二叠-三叠系界线附近海相碳酸盐岩的碳同位素测定结果。

    The carbon isotopes of the marine carbonate rocks of the permian strata and Permian-Triassic boundary were analyzed in Guangyuan and Chongqing of Sichuan province , and in Luodian of Guizhou province .

  5. 在一定程度上法海寺壁画代表了明代壁画最高的成就。

    To a certain extent , Fahai Temple on the murals represent the highest achievements of the Ming Dynasty frescoes .

  6. 上华严寺壁画体现了佛教在传播过程中在某一宗派影响下对壁画内容与配置关系的选择。

    Murals of Huayan Temple fully reflect the choice of context and configuration of murals with the influence of certain school through the spread of Buddhism .

  7. 在造型手法上灵岩寺罗汉像的制作工艺非常有特色,大体分五个步骤:第一步,立架;本文欲结合社会历史背景,从雕塑的角度研究宋代灵岩寺罗汉像的艺术形式。

    The process of making the sculpture involves five steps . First , erect the frame . This thesis is a study of the artistic form of these statues from the sculptural perspective against the general historical and social backgrounds .

  8. 其中在部分寺观中保留有绘制精美的壁画,为研究我国古代壁画艺术提供了宝贵图像资料。位于山西大同市内的上华严寺,在大雄宝殿内存留有四壁完好的壁画。

    Exquisite frescoes are painted in some of these temples , which are precious data for our national mural painting study The Mahavira Hall ( Daxiong Baodian ) of Huayan Temple in Datong city remains complete figures of mural painting on its walls .

  9. 坐落于山上的清水寺是是一个令人印象深刻的寺庙。

    Located up on a mountain , Kiyomizu-dera is an impressive temple .

  10. 一会儿我们就要去山上的悬空寺学汉语。

    In a moment , we 're going to learn Chinese at Xuankong Temple on the mountain .

  11. 山上万年寺中的普贤铜像不仅是我国现存最大的古代铜佛像,也是我国现存最大的古代金属铸件之一,具有极其深厚的文化内涵。

    The extant bronze statue of Samantabhadra in Wannian Monastery of Mount E'mei is the biggest ancient bronze statue as well as the biggest metal casting ever preserved .

  12. 芙蓉山上的芙蓉寺,在韶关市内很多地方都能望见,它就在那座装有雷达的山峰下半山腰里。

    Lotus Temple Lotus Mountain in Shaoguan city , saw many places can be , it is equipped with radar in the Nazuo hillside where the next summit .

  13. 我们先从中国恒山的悬空寺开始,建立在一道悬崖壁上的悬空寺矗立在地面以上250英尺高的地方,使得它似乎漂浮在空中。

    We begin with the Hanging Monastery on Hengshan Mountain in China . Carved into a cliff nearly 250 feet above the ground , the monastery appears to be floating in the air .

  14. 恩图曼干道上的大清真寺。

    Big Mosque on the main road of Omdurman .

  15. 用平常街拍的方式,帮小练桑纪录上周末的龙山寺之行,完整的请看相簿。

    This is another record of travel that recorded my friends go to worship in Mengjia Longshan Temple last weekend .

  16. 文中提出了解决问题的对策,并在此基础上提出了塔尔寺地区保护规划方案。

    Some countermeasures to solve these problems are given in the paper , together with a plan to protect Taer Lamasery region .

  17. 滇西保山地区丁家寨组及其上覆卧牛寺组,前人根据其中(虫筳)类化石定为上石炭统(马平阶),沿用至今。

    The Dingjiazhai Formation and its overlying Woniusi Formation in the Baoshanregion were referred to as Upper Carboniferous ( the Maping Stage ) by predecessors .

  18. 从地理位置上来看,柏威夏寺正好处于柬埔寨和泰国边境的战略制高点上,站在古寺之上可以俯瞰柬埔寨北部平原。

    From the geographical point of view , just in the Preah Vihear temple on the Thai border in Cambodia and the strategic high ground , standing on top of the temple overlooking the plains of northern Cambodia .