
  1. 京北城区公路绿化带土壤重金属污染

    Soil Heavy Metal Pollution of Roadside Greenbelt in the North of Beijing

  2. 试论邺北城的设计思想、布局与影响

    On the Design , Layout and Influence of Cao Wei Ye Bei City

  3. 衡水市路北城市污水处理及回用工程

    Hengshui Lubei Urban Sewage Disposal and Reuse Engineering

  4. 空置率上升新盘供应锐减北城没法住?

    The vacancy rate rose sharply North City can not supply the new site live ?

  5. 山东青州北城满族村的考察报告&关于青州八旗驻防城的今昔

    An Investigative Report about the Manchus Village of North City of Qing State in Shandong Province

  6. 我住在北城旺角,警察告诉我卖掉摩托车。

    I live in Bei Cheng Wang Jiao and I was told by the police to sell my motorcycle .

  7. 战后,两人搬到芝加哥,住在北城,距我父母当时的住处不远。

    After the war , they moved to Chicago and lived on the North Side , not far from where my parents were living .

  8. 如今,壮观的大桥横跨韩江。而在北城,新的地标建筑D-City正拔地而起。

    Spectacular bridges now span the river , and in the north of the city , the landmark new D-City is rising from the flatlands .

  9. 后来父亲自己在北城开了间印染厂,雇了些日工,母亲也帮忙干活,等我和弟弟够大时,我们也都加入印染行列。

    He employed day laborers , as well as enlisting my mother , my brothers and me when we were old enough to help with the printing .

  10. 火车站就在北城门外,电话亭正好在城门洞左边的一棵古槐树下。

    The depot was right outside of the Northern City Gate , the phonebooth right being under an age-old acacia that stood on the left side of the Northern City Gate entrance .

  11. 堡握特花园14号是伦敦北城的一条安静的街道上的一座老房子。简掏出信,按了按门铃。可什么也没有发生。

    14 Bowater Gardens was an old house in a quiet street in north London . Jane took the letter out of her bag , and rang the bell . Nothing happened .

  12. 内城也即三燕时期的宫城座落在外城的靠北部分,和外城共用北城墙与北门。

    Yan inner city that is three times Miyagi is located outside the city by the north part , and the outer city walls and the northern gate of the north shared .