
  1. 维多利亚节过后不久,父亲就将它从土里挖出,就像传说中的凤凰涅一样,几天后它就奇迹般地重生了,在北方的阳光下变得枝繁叶茂。

    Shortly after Victoria Day my father unearthed it and within days , like the Phoenix of the storytellers , it was magically reborn , its leaves luxuriatingn in the northern sun ;

  2. 托夫勒指出,在韩国,金大中令人钦佩地为其旨在改变北方的“阳光政策”,设立了循序渐进的30年时限。

    In Korea , Toffler notes , Kim Dae-jung admirably laid out an evolutionary 30 - year timeline for his " sunshine policy " to change the north .