
qǐ jí
  • reach to;match;hope to reach
  • hope for
企及 [qǐ jí]
  • [hope for] 盼望赶上;希望达到更高的水准

  • 圣人制礼,贤者俯就,不肖企及。--《后汉书.陈蕃传》

  1. 这也正是本文望能企及的高度。

    This is exactly the look to match this height .

  2. 烟草消费税作为经济调控手段,能起到其他调控措施无法企及的作用。

    As the only means of economic regulation , Tobacco consumption tax can play a role that other regulatory measures can not match .

  3. 相信完美可以企及是不现实的。

    It is unrealistic to believe perfection is an attainable goal .

  4. 他医术高超,在紧急情况下几乎无人企及。

    His medical skill is so superb that he can hardly be filled in for an emergency .

  5. 理论上讲,互动广告可以达到30秒插播广告无法企及的观众参与度。

    In theory , interactive advertising can engage viewers in a way that 30-second spots do not .

  6. 该楼办公空间宽大,且秉持了可持续发展原则,是大多数建筑无法企及的。

    It 's a vast and sustainable office space unlike most will ever see .

  7. App带来了互动的简洁性,这是以前几代人无法企及的。

    Apps bring a simplicity of interaction that eluded previous generations .

  8. 在系统开发,特别是操作系统、底层开发中,C语言的效率是其他编程语言难以企及的。

    In systems development , especially operating systems , the underlying development , C language , the efficiency of other programming languages are difficult to match the .

  9. 这种政治合作将确保国际石油公司一定程度上免受bp那种问题的困扰,同时让它们得以进入目前无法企及的市场。

    These political partnerships will ensure a degree of insulation from the type of problems that have befallen BP , while providing oil firms access to markets currently beyond reach .

  10. 即便是相对来讲比较受欢迎的MyMelody(一只兔子)和TuxedoSam(一只小企鹅),也很难企及HelloKitty曾经的轰动市场效应。

    Even the moderately successful My Melody ( a rabbit ) and TuxedoSam ( penguin ) show no signs of achieving global Kitty-ness .

  11. 同时,这部电影也是首部在户外使用3D表演捕捉技术的影片,其真实效果让诸多大片难以企及。

    Also , the movie marks the first time that 3-D performance capture has been shot outside of a studio and it shows , adding a level of realism that many blockbusters fail to achieve .

  12. P2P搜索技术具有良好的实时性、有效性,而且成本低廉,其搜索深度和广度是传统搜索技术难以企及的。

    P2P search technology has good real-time and validity , and its cost is low , its search depth and breadth are hard to be reach by traditional search technology .

  13. 不管穆巴拉克家族有多少财富,都是绝大部分埃及人无法企及的。埃及的人均GDP只有2500美元。

    Whatever the true extent of the Mubarak family fortune , it stands in stark contrast to the lot of most Egyptians . Gross domestic product per capita in Egypt is a mere $ 2,500 .

  14. 该公司标志产品iPod风靡亚洲,但iTunes商店却依然在大多数亚洲消费者所能企及的范围之外。

    While the company 's iconic iPod is popular in Asia , Apple 's iTunes store remains out of reach of most Asian consumers .

  15. 施瓦辛格最后一次作为主角出演2003年的《终结者3:机器的觉醒》(Terminator3:RiseoftheMachines)时,预收的出演费高达2930万美元,这对今天的任何演员来说都是无法企及的高度。

    The $ 29.3 million upfront fee Mr. Schwarzenegger collected for his last big role , ' Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines ' in 2003 , would be unthinkable for any actor today .

  16. 目前全球有40多家创业板市场,其中美国纳斯达克和英国AIM尤为成功,他们为具有高知识含量和高成长潜力的中小企业和高新技术产业带来融资新意义是我国证券市场所企及的。

    Currently more than 40 global GEM around the world , in which the Nasdaq and the UK AIM have been particularly successful . they bring SMEs and high-tech industries which have high knowledge content and high growth potential with new significance of finance .

  17. 为了最大限度推进我们发布的所有内容所带来的积极影响,InfoQ一直不断致力于将服务拓展到那些英语难以企及的社区之中。

    To maximize the positive impact of all the content we are putting out , InfoQ has been extending its service to communities where English is a barrier to learning .

  18. 但是,中国公民社会和慈善方面的权威谢世宏(ShawnShieh)称,不要指望中国的慈善遗产可以企及安德鲁愠芸基(AndrewCarnegie)或洛克菲勒家族,至少目前还不能相提并论。

    But do not expect a charitable legacy to match those of Andrew Carnegie or the Rockefellers , at least not yet , said Shawn Shieh , an authority on Chinese civil society and philanthropy .

  19. 我的答案是用户故事有着以上诸多方法无法企及的优势。

    User stories offer a number of advantages over alternative approaches .

  20. 心灵世界自有其道理,非理智所能企及。

    The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of .

  21. 但是,要实现自动驾驶这一飞跃,仍是当前难以企及的。

    But the leap to complete autonomy is a step beyond .

  22. 然而在这个过程中,某些文明却取得了竞争对手难以企及的优势地位。

    Nevertheless , certain civilizations developed huge advantages against their rivals .

  23. 从远处听见我,我的声音无法企及你。

    From a distance hear me , my voice untouchable you .

  24. 数字时代的电影以电脑技术营造传统科学技术所难以企及的视觉奇观,显示了电脑魔术的巨大魅力;

    The digital age uses computer technology to accomplish visual miracles ;

  25. 遗产税目标难以企及的原因

    Why the Goal of Inheritance Taxes is Hard to Attain

  26. 他已经达到了我不敢企及的高度。

    He has achieved heights that I can never hope to attainto .

  27. 艺术风格是一个艺术家所能企及的最高境界。

    Artistic style is the highest state that an artist can reach .

  28. 事实证明你也不是那么全然无可企及的。

    Turns out you 're not so untouchable after all .

  29. 觉得100万难以企及?

    Think a million dollars is out of your reach ?

  30. 大多数人认为完美几乎可以说是凡人无法企及的。

    Most people feel that there is something almost inhuman about perfection .