
  • 网络Business Industry
  1. 这些企业所属行业包括制造、零售、饮食和物流等。

    These companies belong to industries of manufacture , retail , catering and logistics .

  2. 企业所属行业和上市地交易所进入标准也对企业选择海外市场有很大的影响。

    The location of overseas-listing depends on the industry the enterprise belonged to and the criteria of foreign exchanges .

  3. 而关于品牌延伸,既可以采用产品延伸,又可以采用名称延伸,具体要根据企业所属的行业特点和企业自身的品牌营销战略而定。

    As to brand extension , product extension and name extension may all be applied in term of industry characteristics and brand marketing strategy of enterprises .

  4. 该方法可以根据企业规模和所属行业的不同,在实施过程中进行相应的调整。

    This method can make the appropriate adjustment in the implementation process , depending on the size of enterprise and industry .

  5. 我国上市公司企业价值增长与企业所属行业有相关关系。

    Third , the enterprise growing value of the listed enterprises in China bears relationship with the industry which the company belongs to .