
  • 网络Enterprise Management Service
  1. 加大统计工作力度为企业管理服务

    Increase numerical statement working & service for business management

  2. 1991年8月至今广州外资企业管理服务中心副主任。

    8 / 1991-present Vice Director of Guangzhou Administration and Service Center for Enterprises with Foreign Investment .

  3. 可利用计算机运算速度快、容量大、反映信息及时详尽的特点为企业管理服务;

    Making use of the characteristics of computers'fast speed , large capacity to serve for the management of the enterprises .

  4. 本文提出要使合同管理更好地为企业管理服务,一是深化“三把关、三统一”制度,实现合同管理的程序化管理;

    The first is to deepen " three holding the pass , three unite " system and realize the procedure management of contract ;

  5. 因此,本文建立的部门作业成本核算和管理模型能够更有效地将作业成本核算与作业成本管理结合起来,更好地为企业管理服务。

    Therefore , DABM built in this paper can efficiently put activity cost calculation and activity cost management together to serve 3PLs cost management better .

  6. 另一方面,我们刚刚见证了云计算历史上最大的一笔收购交易:全球最大的软件公司之一SAP,正在收购企业报销管理服务商,软件即服务类公司Concur。

    On the other end , we just witnessed the largest acquisition in the history of cloud computing - where one of the largest software companies in the world , SAP SAP - 0.77 % , is buying Concur , a provider of on-demand travel and expense management software-as-a-service , for $ 8.3 billion .

  7. 风险投资满足了信息技术企业的管理服务需求。

    Risk investment has satisfied the management service demand of the information technology enterprise .

  8. 让电子计算机更好地为电力企业的管理服务

    Let Computers Serve Power Enterprise Management Better

  9. 橡塑制品制造;销售:日用百货、纺织品、装鞋帽;企业管理咨询服务。

    Xiangsu products manufacturing ; Sales : daily provisions , needles textiles , clothing shoes and hats ; Enterprise management advisory services .

  10. 跨国酒店跨文化管理问题的提出是随着跨国经营活动出现的,其研究的目的是为企业管理而服务。

    With the purpose of serving the enterprise managed in the world , the study on the cross-cultural management are proposed and developed .

  11. 人力资源管理咨询作为管理咨询的一部分,已经成为企业管理咨询服务中最重要的核心业务之一,发展空间巨大。

    Human resources management consulting as a part of management consulting has become the most important one core business of company management consulting services , and has the great space of development .

  12. 本文中笔者试图运用所学的企业管理和服务运作管理理论,从服务管理的角度,为解决该局井下服务单位运作过程中存在的问题,提高井下作业服务质量提供方案。

    In this thesis , the theories of the enterprise management and the service operation management are used to solve those above problems happened to the downhole enterprises in order to improve their downhole operation 's service quality .

  13. 具体内容包括:1、从实际情况出发,对X企业所管理的服务区进行了概括,并分析其经营管理中存在的不足之处。

    It analyzes the actual situation of service areas of Enterprise X , and points out the inefficiencies in their operation . 2 .

  14. 要加快第三方物流企业经营管理与服务创新,适应政府发展政策调整和WTO的宏观环境。

    The Third-Party Logistics enterprises should quicken business administration and services innovation , thus acclimatize themselves to the government policy regulation and the macro-circumstance of WTO .

  15. 本论文的研究,对于加强甘肃邮政EMS品牌管理,提升企业管理水平、服务能力、市场拓展能力和市场占有率将起到帮助和指导作用。

    By the research , the strategies help to direct strengthening the management of Gansu EMS brand and promoting business management level , service capacity , market development capacity and market share .

  16. 随着Internet和Intranet的飞速发展和技术的不断更新,如何利用先进的技术更好地为企业的管理、服务、发展和技术进步提供支持和帮助逐步成为研究的一个热点。

    With the rapid development of Internet ( Intranet ) and the renovation of various technologies , how to use modern technology to help more and more enterprises develop their products and services has become a research hot point in the field of computer application recently .

  17. 突破传统DCS专有网络所带来的信息孤岛问题,应用广泛采用的TCP/IP网络协议,实现现场控制网与控制网、控制网与管理信息网的互联,更好的为企业生产和管理服务。

    Widely usage of TCP / IP networking overcomes the problem of information exclusion and realizes information exchange between control network and information network . Moreover , it provides a better platform and enhances the manufacture and management of the enterprise .

  18. 企业利用管理咨询服务的初始动机及其实现

    Initiative Motivation and the Realization for the Corporations to Utilize the Management Consultation Service

  19. 利用系统安全工程的管理技术我们可以更好的为企业的安全管理服务。

    We are better able to provide companies with safety management services through such management techniques .

  20. 建立我国中小企业技术创新管理服务体系的设想

    The Conception to Build Management Service System of Technological Innovation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in China

  21. 成立于二○○七年十一月十六日,是一家主要以服务外包为企业提供项目管理服务的公司。

    It is a professional company specialized in providing project management for enterprise by means of outsourcing services .

  22. 全球化时代服务业的全球性竞争,使旅游服务企业在管理和服务模式上都将发生深刻变革。

    Because of global competition in the global age , tourism enterprises will change profoundly in management and service model .

  23. 以有利于城市发展为出发点,在社区企业化管理与服务中,整个管理系统发挥着关键的作用。

    In order to facilitate urban development , the entire management system plays a key role in the urban management and services in the community .

  24. 传统的杜邦财务系统,不能充分利用变动成本信息为企业内部管理提供服务。

    The traditional Du Pont financial system cannot provide service for internal management owing to its failure to make use of the variable cost information .

  25. 而香港的国际联系、金融基础设施、企业管理和支援服务均有过人之处。

    While the Mainland has much to offer in terms of market and resources , Hong Kong 's international connections , financial infrastructure , entrepreneurial skills and services are exceptional .

  26. 由于国内外商业银行目前并未开展专门针对企业的风险管理服务,因此,本文又对风险管理服务进行了系统流程的设计。

    As the domestic and foreign commercial banks are currently not carried out specifically for enterprise risk management services , therefore , this paper also designs the system process of risk management services .

  27. PROGRAMMANAGEMENTCONTROLS&为在整个企业中一致地管理服务质量的能力提供治理。

    PROGRAM MANAGEMENT CONTROLS – Addresses governance of the ability to consistently manage for quality of service across the enterprise .

  28. 基于ASP的中小企业网络化项目管理服务模式与系统研究

    Study on the ASP-based net-worked project management service mode and system development for middle and small sized enterprises

  29. 基于第三方物流企业的供应商管理库存服务质量

    Quality of VMI Service Based on 3PL Enterprises

  30. 通过对各个国家支撑中小企业信息管理与咨询服务体系的综论,指出了各个国家各具特色的体系和做法。

    By reviewing different countries ' supporting small and middle size enterprises information management and reference service systems .