
  • 网络Corporate Social Responsibility
  1. WPP首席执行官马丁索雷尔爵士(SirMartinSorrell)表示,全球化增强及客户企业社会责任感上升等趋势会增大对营销服务的需求。

    Sir Martin Sorrell , chief executive of WPP , says trends such as increasing globalisation and corporate social responsibility among clients will raise demand for marketing services .

  2. 第一节是企业社会责任感的缺失,本节运用了当前功利思想盛行、企业诚信缺失和人道精神缺乏来引证。

    The first section is the food security related to the lack of corporate social responsibility , this section use the current prevalence of utilitarian thinking , lack of lack of business integrity and humanity to cite .

  3. 即便他不喜欢一家在印度和巴西拥有增长潜力、并拥有企业社会责任感的悠久传统的巧克力制造商,被一家美国加工食品巨头所吞噬,他也必须从财务价值上加以论证。

    Even though he dislikes the idea of a chocolate-maker with growth prospects in India and Brazil and a long tradition of corporate social responsibility being eaten by a US processed food giant , he has to argue on financial value .

  4. 加强化工企业的社会责任感

    Sense of social responsibility of chemical enterprises to be strengthened

  5. 由包装材料对食品安全的影响看现代食品企业的社会责任感

    Effect of Package Material on Food Safety Based on Corporate Social Responsibility

  6. 在调查给出的15个选项中,企业的社会责任感和职场的文化多元性被排在最后两项。

    But other popular concepts like corporate citizenship and workplace diversity were at the bottom of the list of15 qualities .

  7. 对全球15所顶尖商学院的1943名学生进行的调查发现,虽然薪酬与职业机遇也占有相当的分量,但企业的社会责任感是学生们最关心的问题。

    While remuneration and career opportunities carry weight , the survey of 1,943 students at 15 top business schools worldwide found they also cite business 's responsibility to society as a top concern .

  8. 他指出,拒绝重组的亚洲家族式企业和“有社会责任感的”欧洲公司,也许都看不惯美国式的“冷血”,不过,它们都会日益受到更“理性”竞争者的威胁。

    Neither the Asian family-owned company that resists restructuring , nor the " socially responsible " European firm , may be comfortable with US-style cold-bloodedness , but they will both be increasingly at risk from more " rational " competitors , he argues .

  9. 结合绿色供应链的要求,建立通用公司绿色供应链管理体系,不仅能够增加经济效益和社会效益,还能提升企业竞争力,体现企业的社会责任感。

    Combined with green supply chain requirement , built up GE green supply chain management system , this would not only increase economic and social benefits , but also improve company competition ability and show the company social responsibility .

  10. 政府、非政府组织、新闻媒体、社会公众要从外部环境上营造有利于企业承担社会责任的良好氛围,同时企业也要增强社会责任感,将外部力量转化为企业的自觉行动。

    Government , non-governmental organizations , news media and the public will from the external environment to create a good atmosphere for CSR . Simultaneously , enterprises should also enhance the sense of social responsibility and put the external forces into the conscious action of the enterprise .

  11. 实施逆向物流战略,不仅可为企业增强竞争优势,而且可以降低企业成本,体现企业对社会的责任感。

    The strategy of carrying out reverse logistics not only strengthens the competition of the enterprise , but also decreases the cost , reflecting the responsibility of the enterprise towards the society .