
  1. one-to-many和many-to-one的双向关联也是类似的,当你从多端(子实体)定位到一端(父实体)。

    You can make similar arguments for bidirectional one-to-many and many-to-one when you navigate from the one side ( the children entities ) to the many side ( the parent entity ) .

  2. 因而当它和serviceDescription元素一起使用时,必须用serviceKey在企业实体内定位单个服务描述。

    So when it is used with the serviceDescription element , the serviceKey must be used to locate the individual service description within the business entity .

  3. 相对于参考基准把某个实体精确定位。

    The accurate positioning of an entity relative to a reference .

  4. 这些方法能较好地解决复杂实体定形定位问题,提高工程制图效率。

    These methods can solve the problem of setting position and shape of complicate entities , improve the efficiency of engineering drawing .

  5. 文章对移动位置管理业务进行了较全面的描述,重点介绍了它的功能实体、UMTS定位业务的网络结构、工作流程和几种常用的定位方法。

    The paper comprehensively introduces the location service , by-discussing its function entities , UMTS LCS network architecture , procedures and some commonly used positioning methods .

  6. 图形实体快速定形定位方法

    Methods of Setting Shape and Position of Entities

  7. Internet实体的地理位置定位

    Research on geographic mapping for internet entities