
  1. 构建评估体系要坚持实效性原则、针对性原则、整合性原则、客观性原则、动态性原则。

    To build effective evaluation system should adhere to the principle of specific principle , integrated principle , objectivity principle , dynamic principle .

  2. 分析和阐述了羽毛球运动员战术选用的针对性原则、灵活性原则、实效性原则及可能性原则。

    In this paper , the principles of pertinence , agility , actual effect , and feasibility in badminton game have beenanalyzed and discussed .

  3. 同时,大学生村官的思想政治教育,要注意坚持思想引导与政策引导相结合,以及方向性、实效性原则。

    At the same time , we must insist on combining ideological guidance with policies , and insist on the principles of directional and effectiveness .

  4. 二是要坚持两课教学的一般原则,包括方向性原则,以人为本原则,层次性原则,实效性原则。

    Second , adhere to the general principle of Two Courses teaching , including directionality principle , the principle that people first , level principle , effective principle .

  5. 把表象训练的理论及方法运用在简化太极拳的教学中,这是符合教学的巩固性和实践实效性原则和现代自控式教学原则的。

    Developing training principles and methods on teaching of " Simple Taijiquan " is conformed to the principle of consolidated and effective teaching as well as modern auto-controlled teaching .

  6. 为了实现高校德育现代化,要正视学生的主体地位,以学生为本,坚持整体性、科学性、发展性和实效性原则。

    We must face up to the dominant position of students in order to achieve the modernization of universities ' moral education . It should be student-oriented and adhere to a holistic , scientific , developmental and effective principle .

  7. 在方法创新上提出了应坚持的原则:以人为本的原则、学生主体原则、注重层次性、实效性原则、多方位的教育策略和实践性原则等。

    Innovation in the methods proposed should adhere to the principle : the principle of people-oriented , the main principle of the students , pay attention to the level and effectiveness of the principle of multi-faceted education strategy and practical principles .

  8. 要保证高校思想政治教育过程管理顺畅而有效的进行,就需要按照灵活性、实效性原则、实事求是、科学配合、有机联动的原则来进行高校思想政治教育过程管理工作。

    To ensure that the ideological and political education process management smoothly and efficiently , you need flexibility , in accordance with the principles of effectiveness , seeking truth from facts , scientific cooperation , the principle of organic linkage to the ideological and political education process management .

  9. 主要阐述廉政文化的实践活动应坚持主体性、自觉性、规范性和实效性的原则。

    The paper mainly expounds that some principles such as subjectivity , consciousness , regularity effectiveness should be stuck to during construction of a clean and honest administration culture .

  10. 最后,提出增强大学生理想信念教育实效性的基本原则和方略。

    Finally , ideals and beliefs to improve the effectiveness of education students the basic principles and strategies .

  11. 高校体育中要适度、合理的开展竞技运动,并应着重遵循审美性、实效性和社会性原则。

    Sports should be developed reasonably in college physical education , and some principles should be followed especially .