
qǐ zuò yòng
  • work;function;act;take effect;play a part;kick in;gel
起作用 [qǐ zuò yòng]
  • (1) [take effect;act]∶产生效果

  • 等药物起作用

  • (2) [play a part]∶起影响

  • 这是经验教训;但愿它能起作用

起作用[qǐ zuò yòng]
  1. 所有这些可能还会在对恐怖主义的斗争中起作用。

    All this may yet play a part in the war on terrorism .

  2. 调节CD11c/CD18可能在降低脑缺血患者继发性炎症反应中起作用。

    Regulating CD11c / CD18 may play a part in decreasing the secondary inflammation in patients with cerebral ischemia .

  3. 这些药物对感染没有起作用。

    The infection did not respond to the drugs .

  4. 人为的失误可能是一个起作用的因素。

    Human error may have been a contributing factor .

  5. 这种病毒仍然在血液中起作用。

    The virus is still active in the blood .

  6. 太阳能电池板只能在日光下起作用。

    Solar panels can only operate in sunlight .

  7. 这药显然起作用了。

    The medicine has clearly done its stuff .

  8. 这些措施受到指责,说是不起作用。

    The measures were decried as useless .

  9. 新药不起作用。

    The new drug was ineffective .

  10. 对数百万失业者来说,通货膨胀率的微降是不起作用的安慰。

    A small drop in the inflation rate was cold comfort for the millions without a job .

  11. 通货膨胀率的上升清楚地表明,政府的政策不起作用。

    The rise in inflation is a clear signal that the government 's policies are not working .

  12. 我担心投入这么多时间与精力却不起作用。

    I worry about this big investment of time and effort .

  13. 这种药物实际起作用的时间可以大大延长。

    The actual action of the drug can be prolonged significantly .

  14. 我们知道如何让它起作用。

    We know what to do to make it work .

  15. 选举协定不会起作用,但是政府间的谅解也许可以。

    Electoral pacts would not work , but an entente cordiale might .

  16. 既然对你起作用,这就是个明智的决定。

    This was a good decision inasmuch as it worked for you .

  17. 该卫星自从两年前发射以来一直没起作用。

    The satellite had been inactive since its launch two years ago .

  18. 用这种方法控制你的狗不起作用。

    This is an ineffective method of controlling your dog .

  19. 这些节食方法95%都不起作用。

    95 per cent of these diets do not work

  20. 你不能打开窗户,那样空调就不起作用了。

    You can 't open the window because it screws up the air conditioning

  21. 在他看来,委员会仍然是一个没有实权、不起作用的机构。

    In his view , the Commission remains a toothless and ineffectual body .

  22. 我把灭火器对准了火焰,但没起作用。

    I directed the extinguisher at the fire without effect

  23. 他的其中一片肺叶完全不起作用了。

    One of his lungs gave out entirely .

  24. 国际制裁开始起作用了。

    International sanctions were beginning to take effect .

  25. 该事件引发了关于极右翼势力在法国所起作用的新一轮讨论。

    The incident has triggered fresh arguments about the role of the extreme right in France

  26. 任何人对他说的任何劝他振作起来的话都不会起作用。

    Anything anybody said to him to try and buck him up wouldn 't sink in

  27. 这是一次没有任何限制的旅行,所有的规则都不起作用。

    It 's an unrestricted journey , and rules of any sort don 't come into it .

  28. 重要的是,要理解在我们自身行动背后起作用的强大的经济和社会力量。

    It is important to understand the powerful economic and social forces at work behind our own actions .

  29. 唯物辩证法认为,外因通过内因而起作用。

    Materialist dialectics argues that external causes become operative through internal causes .

  30. 这种药很快就会在这种病人身上起作用。

    The medicine will quickly operate upon such patients .