
qǐ máo jī
  • windlass;capstan
  1. 船的甲板上的支撑起锚机的强桩。

    Either of a pair of strong posts that support a windlass on a ship 's deck .

  2. 为了充分利用电动机的潜在能力,建议以电动机的最大转矩乘以裕度系数来适应起锚机和舵机所需要的最大转矩。

    In order to utilize full power of motor , the Authors propose to multiply the maximum torque of motor by a coefficient of safety to meet the corresponding maximum torque of windlass or steering gear .

  3. 水手们用绞盘或起锚机把缆绳拉起来。

    Sailors hove up the cable with windlass or capstan .

  4. 舵机裕度系数取为0.8;起锚机的取为0.7。

    This coefficient of steering gear and windlass may be taken as 0.8 and 0.7 respectively .

  5. 长江船舶起锚机和舵机强度计算中负荷的确定和电动机功率的选用问题

    The problems to determine the load in calculating the strength of machine elements and to select the power of motor for the windlass or steering gear of Yangtze River Boats

  6. 本文通过实例计算,以规范为依据,对起锚机基座的安装强度计算作了较为详细的介绍,并提出了解决问题的基本方法。

    It is provided with an example to introduce how to calculate the strength of windlass installation according to amendments consolidated by the Authority , and to put forward a basic solution .