
qǐ luò zhuānɡ zhì
  • landing gear
  1. 滑橇起落装置直升机系留状态地面共振试验和分析

    Ground resonance test and analysis of a moored helicopter with skid landing gear

  2. 装在飞机的前端作为起落装置的一部分的轮子。

    A wheel located under the nose of an airplane that is part of the plan 's landing gear .

  3. 航天飞机起落装置设计研究

    The design study of taking-off device and landing gear for the spacecraft

  4. 起落装置出于同样的原因,飞机在飞行时收回起落架。

    Airplanes retract their landing gear while in flight for the same reason .

  5. 本实用新型涉及一种车辆挡杆自动起落装置。

    The utility model relates to an automatic lifting control circuit for a vehicle barrier bar .

  6. 本文以直×型机为例,对滑橇起落装置直升机在系留状态下的地面共振问题进行了分析。

    In this paper , the ground resonance analysis of a moored helicopter with skid landing gear has been performed taking × helicopter as an example .

  7. 起落架装置用于地面支撑直升机,保证直升机作地面滑行运动,并且能吸收直升机着陆时的撞击能量,以减小着陆时的撞击载荷。

    The landing gear is used to support the helicopter to ensure that the ground gliding and absorb energy and reduce bump stroke for rough landing .

  8. 然后通过分析停车系统的拓扑结构,仿造起落架装置建立了系统虚拟样机的三维模型,并应用数值分析和虚拟样机软件对该模型进行了仿真分析,得出了系统的动力学模型和仿真结果。

    And then by analyzing topological structure of the system , three-dimensional model of virtual prototype is created by imitating the undercarriage . Numerical analysis of system is made by numerical analysis software and virtual prototyping software , and dynamic model and numerical analysis results of the system are obtained .

  9. 飞机起落架刹车装置设计中的热学研究

    Research on the Thermal Analysis of the Design of Landing Gear Brake

  10. 无轴式传动装置[起落架]连结装置的起落千斤顶

    Non-axial type gear hitch lifting jack

  11. 六轮小车式起落架机轮载荷分配研究及计算方法装在飞机的前端作为起落装置的一部分的轮子。

    METHOD TO CALCULATE LOAD DISTRIBUTION AMONG WHEELS FOR THE SIX-WHEELED LANDING GEAR a wheel located under the nose of an airplane that is part of the plan 's landing gear .