
  1. 结果表明,烫伤后即刻、1h弓状核β-内啡肽神经元数目和阳性反应面积均明显减少(P0.05),而弓状核下行到正中降起部的阳性纤维串珠状结构却略有增加。

    The results showed that the number of beta-endorphin neurons and area of positive products reduced significantly ( P0.05 ) at 0h and 1 h after scalding , while the number of positive varicose-like fiber in the median eminence descending from the arcuate nucleus increased slightly .

  2. 我们无力买两部电话(我们负担不起两部电话的费用)。

    We can not afford the cost of two telephone .

  3. 我想我们应该能买得起一部新轿车。

    I suppose we could afford a new car .

  4. 她现在已相当富有有了,能买得起一部新车了。

    She 's comfortably off now , so she can afford a new car .

  5. 距离该电影登陆院线影迷们还需再作等待,而导演邓肯·琼斯则非常开心地跟大家谈论起这部他自己也十分期待的电影。

    And while they 're still waiting for the movie to finally hit theaters , director Duncan Jones gladly talked about his highly anticipated movie .

  6. 因此,进一步勘探主要应放在该古隆起核部周边及其向西和向东延伸的地区。

    Therefore , further exploration will focus on the periphery , the extended parts in the west and east of the core of the palaeohigh .

  7. 因此,从构造演化的观点处理研究鄂尔多斯盆地中央古隆起东北部斜坡区奥陶系马家沟组晚五期的含气性,是动态、整体演化的一个体现。

    From this view , the study on possibility of gas-bearing of beds in late fifth phase of majiagou formation is much more scientific and dynamic .

  8. 初起患部有束带状刺痛,局部皮肤潮红,伴有轻度发热乏力,食欲不振等全身症状。

    At the onset , there are sharp pain and flushing of skin girdle-like in the local region associated with slight fever , fatigue and anorexia .

  9. 两位议员上交了政府监督计划得出的新报告,该计划研究了过去十年650起司法部律师的不当行为。

    The lawmakers send the new report by the Project on Government Oversight . That study documents 650 cases of recklessness on misconduct by justice lawyers over the past decade .

  10. 2001年起民政部积极推动婚姻登记信息化建设,并先后开发了两个登记系统软件在部分省和直辖市使用。

    From the year of 2001 , the Ministry of Civil Affairs started to practice the informatization construction of marriage registration actively , and had developed two registration software systems which were utilized in several provinces as well as municipalities .

  11. 在其导演生涯的后半阶段,奥森·韦尔斯开始执导起了几部恢宏巨制。

    In the later stages of his directorial career , Orson Welles began work on several ambitious films .

  12. 生意很惨淡,但是当她无意中听到会计(戴米恩·路易斯饰演)在谈论赛马有利可图时,她萌生了一个想法,正是这个想法支起了这部英国喜剧片。

    Business is slow , so when she overhears an accountant ( Damian Lewis ) discussing how profitable horse-racing can be , she has the sort of idea that British comedy dramas are made of .

  13. 或者是二人每周一起看一部电影持续时间为一个月。

    or watching a movie a week for a month .

  14. 塑料软管(5)起连接各部作用。

    A plastic hose ( 5 ) plays the action of connecting all parts .

  15. 从2004年起,卫生部和国家中医药管理局开始在五个省实施中医药治疗艾滋病试点项目。

    The program was jointly initiated by the Ministry of Health ( MOH ) and the administration in five provinces in2004 .

  16. 从20世纪80年代起,铁道部瞄准世界铁路科技发展前沿,把发展重载运输作为主攻方向之一。

    Since 1980s , heavy-load transportation had been chosen as one of the main direction of developments by Ministry of Railways .

  17. 而现有的园林树木数据库和信息系统由于不直观,以字符查询为主,只有专业人员才可以利用,仅起到一部专业字典的作用。

    Because of doing not keep the view , current park plant database with information system only can be used by profession .

  18. 而那些仍旧不能负担起购买一部手机的人,很容易得到小额信贷的资助方式。

    And for those who still could not afford their own handsets , help was at hand in the form of microfinance .

  19. 出事少年的家庭已开始对迅达及至少两家独立维护商采取法律行动。这些维护商自2005年3月起为这部电梯提供维修服务。

    The teenager 's family has started legal action against Schindler and at least two unconnected maintenance providers who serviced the elevator after March 2005 .

  20. 随着社会的进步和市场经济体制的完善,事业单位应建立起便于对外部环境变化做出灵活反应的管理机制和组织结构。

    As the social processes and the market economy system improves , the institute must build the management system and structure more flexible to the outer circumstance .

  21. 在立法结构上,老挝已建立起了一部比较完备的立法结构体系,应在坚持这一立法结构体系的基础上加以完善。

    As for the legislative structure , the Laos government established a rather complete one , but it should persevere in solidifying its basis to make it perfect .

  22. 从1995年起,财政部制定了《过渡期财政转移支付办法》,中央财政开始对地方实施过渡期财政转移支付,拉开了建立财政转移支付制度的序幕。

    In 1995 , the ministry of finance made " The method of transitional finance transfer payment " . From then , the center government began to transfer to the local governments in China .

  23. 自2007年起,一部描写普通士兵成长历程的军事题材电视剧《士兵突击》先后在各级电视台热播,引发了一股收视热潮。

    From 2007 , " Soldiers ' Assault " which is a series of TV plays of military themes describes the ordinary soldiers ' growth course , began broadcasting at all levels broadcaster in succession and aroused a ratings boom .

  24. 2003年起,教育部启动了新一轮的大学英语教学改革,根据《大学英语课程教学要求》中提出的分类指导、因材施教的教学原则,很多高校开始在大学英语教学中开展分层教学。

    Since 2003 , the Ministry of Education has started a new reform of college English teaching , and highlighted the principle of providing different guidance for different groups of students according to College English Curriculum Requirements . Thus , many universities have adopted college English teaching at different levels .

  25. 她将接替2014年起担任北方司令部指挥官的海军上将比尔·戈特尼。

    She will replace Admiral Bill Gortney , who has had the position since 2014 .

  26. 辉绿岩起着沟通深部与浅部构造,并使深部的含矿流体沿挤压破碎带上升、沉淀而成矿的作用。

    Diabase connected depth and shallow and caused deep auriferous metallogenetic fluid through rifted fractured zone uplifting and precipitation .

  27. 要建立起完善的内外部监督机制,以保障警务公开的有效落实。

    Perfect inside and outside supervising mechanism should be established in order to put into effect the publicity of policing .

  28. 从那时起,每一部水泵我们都附送一个工具箱和一份说明书。一个小工具箱,象在下面这个层控制工具箱。

    From then on we sent along a tool kit and instruction manual with every pump . A small toolbox , like the one in Layer control toolbox .

  29. 据报道,这位自2006年起出演了四部007系列电影的47岁影星已同意加盟新美剧《普瑞蒂》。

    The 47-year-old star , who has played 007 in four movies since 2006 , has agreed to appear in upcoming US drama series Purity , according to reports .

  30. 安妮·泰勒(1941-)是美国当代著名的女作家、评论家,从上世纪六十年代起已发表十多部长篇小说,五十多篇短篇小说及其多篇书评。

    Anne Tyler ( 1941 - ) is a famous contemporary American woman writer . Since 1960s she has published 15 novels , over fifty short stories and numerous book reviews .