
  • 网络Lan Village;Kovran
  1. 太原市兰村泉域水资源管理保护与对策

    Management and Countermeasures on Water of Flow of Lan Country

  2. 他说要回迦太兰村去,可却朝城里那个方向走去了。

    He said he was going to the catalans , and he is going to the city .

  3. 走吧,腾格拉尔,随那位先生的便罢,他高兴就让他回迦太兰村去好了。

    Come along , Danglars , and let the young gentleman return to the Catalans if he chooses .

  4. 本文以弄兰村为个案就“壮化”表现与成因做进一步的探讨。

    Analyzing the phenomenon in Nonglan village this paper explores the assimilation of Han nationality to Zhuang nationality deeply .

  5. 从兰普尔村和附近村庄调查出来的150名嫌疑人被要求从滚烫的油锅中捞出一只铜铃。

    The150 men from Ranpur and two neighboring hamlets were told to pick a copper ring from a cauldron of boiling oil .