
  • 网络FOAMING;foaming action;zeiosis
  1. 通过试样对铁矿的浮选实验研究,揭示了松油中各组分对浮选的起泡作用;

    Through the experiments on flotation with different samples , the barbotage of each component in the pine oil for flotation was revealed .

  2. 塑料的润湿剂调整可浮性是指在润湿剂和起泡剂(有时不含起泡剂)联合作用下,塑料颗粒所具有的可浮性。

    The wetting agent adjustment floatability of plastics is that under the combined actions of wetting agent and frother ( sometimes there is no frother ), the floatability of the plastic particles will have .