
  • 网络ANCHOR
  1. GB/T5650-1985扩口式管接头空心螺栓液压式顶板锚栓安装设备

    Flared type tube fittings & Inverted flare bolts hydraulic roof bolting equipment

  2. 通过掘支锚一体化井下工业性试验,对掘锚机的设备配套及适应性有了初步的认识;

    The preliminary knowledge of the equipment configuration and adaptability of the header with bolting machine is obtained by means of the underground industrial experiment of excavation and bolting integration .

  3. 针对北锚特大沉井的土层结构和水文地质情况,总结介绍了北锚碇基础施工设备、工艺、方法和施工取得的成果。

    In consideration of the soil stratum and hydrogeological conditions of the super large open caisson of the north anchorage , this paper introduces with a summary of the construction equipment , technology , approaches and accomplishments achieved in the construction of the north anchorage foundation .