
  • 网络Lae;Anchor;anchoring;anchorage
  1. h2/h1(抗滑桩锚固段长度与h1的比值);

    H2 / h1 ( ratio of anchor portion length and h1 );

  2. 三峡工程缆机风锚固结构ANSYS有限元分析

    FEA of the Wind Anchor of Luffing Cable Crane with ANSYS in the Three-Gorge Engineering

  3. PC板梁锚固区微裂缝的配筋设计

    On the Reinforced Design of the Minute Crack in the Anchorage Zone of PC. Plate Girders

  4. 通过建立非线性接触数值模型进行有限元分析,掌握了U形锚索锚固作用下的混凝土应力分布规律。

    Through the establishment of non-linear numerical model , master the law of concrete stress distribution in the u-type pier .

  5. 首先利用ANSYS软件针对索塔锚固区所选节段进行了详尽的空间有限元分析,考察索塔锚固区的应力分布和变形情况。

    At first , utilized ANSYS to analyze the anchorage zone on the cable bent tower and investigate stress distribution and deformation at the area .

  6. 实现了DDA中施工开挖和全长锚固锚杆的模拟。

    The full length rockbolt and excavation have been implemented in DDA method .

  7. 碳纤维筋应用于预应力结构,其锚固问题是需要解决的重要问题,对CFRP预应力筋的锚具进行专门的研究很有必要。

    The anchorage problem of CFRP bars has to be solved if it is to be used in the prestressed structures .

  8. 本题基于对一个15万m3大型非锚固立式储油罐静态结构分析,着重讨论其有限元建模技术,此工作对于大型储液罐静态分析设计方法的完善有着重大意义。

    This article mainly discusses the finite - element modeling techniques of a 150,000 m3 unan-chored cylindrical oil storage tank based on its static structure analysis .

  9. 对PC轨道梁锚固螺杆监测调整系统的滚珠丝杠和运动座在实际约束状态下进行固有振动特性分析,得出其前10阶模态的固有频率和振型。

    Analysis on natural vibration characteristic of ball screws and kinetic bases in the mechanical system is carried out in condition of physical constraint , and their ten lowest natural frequencies and mode shapes are obtained .

  10. 因此,在目前可供选择的粘结介质中,RPC作为综合性能优良的粘结介质可在粘结式锚具中对具有表面压纹的高强CFRP筋提供最有效的锚固。

    In the case of different bond media , RPC shows the best performance as a bond medium in the bond-type anchorage for the indented surface CFRP tendons .

  11. 本文主要进行FRP筋材的预应力锚固体系和预应力AFRP筋混凝土梁的受弯性能研究。

    This dissertation mainly studies flexural behavior of concrete beams prestressed with AFRP reinforcement , and the anchorage system of FRP reinforcing bars is studied too .

  12. 为研究爆炸荷载作用下植筋的粘结锚固性能,采用ANSYS有限元分析软件,选取合理计算模型,对植筋试件在爆炸荷载作用下受力特性进行了数值计算。

    To know the bonding and fixation of insert rebar under explosive loads , the behavior of adhesive anchors under explosive tensile loads was studied with the finite element method ( FEM ) ANSYS and appropriate calculating model .

  13. 叙述了杏花矿应用RS混合型锚杆支护技术管理顶板的方法及RS混合型锚杆的结构、性能和特点,分析了RS混合型锚杆的锚固机理和支护机理。

    This paper discusses the methods of controlling roof and structure , properties and characteristics of RS bolt using RS bolt support technique at Xinghua Coal Mine . Anchor and support mechanism of RS bolt are analyzed .

  14. MD-100型全液压锚固工程钻机新型夹持器的研制

    A New Type of Clampers Developed for Hydraulic Anchor Drill MD - 100

  15. 尤其作为深海平台锚固系统,比如TLP张力腿平台锚固系统,在安全性和经济性上有明显的优势。

    Especially as anchor system in deep platform , for example , anchor system of tension leg platform , it has evidently superiorities in security and economy .

  16. 采用一种新型的纤维布预应力锚固和张拉方法,可将CFRP的应力张拉到1600MPa以上,锚固、张拉的各项指标均比较理想。

    By the method of pre-stressed fiber cloth introduced in this article , the stress of CFRP can be tensioned to above 1600 MPa , meanwhile , all parameters of anchorage and tension are very perfect .

  17. 试验结果表明,粘贴GFRP片材可以有效地提高梁的抗弯承载力,片材锚固区由于应力集中可能发生锚固粘结破坏,锚固区采用U形箍可以有效地防止锚固破坏。

    The test results show that the bearing capacity is quite increased due to the existence of GFRP sheet . The local bonded failure may be caused by the stress concentration at the end of GFRP sheet .

  18. 试验对比研究结果表明:对受弯构件加固方法优劣依次为,CFRP预应力加固效果良好、粘钢加固次之、端部锚固加固和普通CFRP加固分列三、四位。

    Test results show that the bending members reinforcement method merits are that the method of CFRP prestressed works well , stick steel reinforcement following , anchoring the end of reinforcement and the CFRP reinforced is three or four .

  19. 跨座式单轨交通系统是日本和欧美等发达国家在20世纪60年代提出的一种先导城市交通形式,但在PC轨道梁铸钢支座锚固螺杆健康在线监测方面的技术开发却至今未见大量报道。

    As one of forerunner urban traffic systems , straddle-type monorail traffic system was presented in Japanese and the occident in 1960s . But publications about technical development on monitoring on-line the health of anchor screws in the cast steel pedestal for prestressed concrete track girder can not be found .

  20. MG-150型锚固钻机是一种机械传动、液压给进、液压提升的动力头式工程钻机。

    The anchor rig MG-150 is a kind of engineering rigs with mechanical top driver , hydraulic feeder and elevator .

  21. 预应力CFRP板的锚固与预应力损失分析是非常重要的,研究发现:机械夹持粘结型锚具结合机械夹持式锚具和粘结型锚具的优点,安全可靠,适合预应力CFRP板的锚固。

    It was found that mechanical gripping bond-type anchor combines the benefits of Mechanical gripping anchor and bond-type anchor , and it is more reliable and efficient for the anchorage of prestressed CFRP laminates . The prestress losses related to different anchor systems were also investigated .

  22. 左、右岸防淘墙厚3m,墙顶高程200m,最大墙深40m,处于坝下常水位以下,采用预应力锚索将墙体与岸坡岩体锚固。

    The scour prevention walls on both banks are 3 m thick , with maximum depth of 40 m and the crest elevation of 200 m , submerged under the downstream normal water level and anchored with rock slope by prestressed cables .

  23. 在本文试验以及已有试验研究的基础上,提出了综合考虑GFRP筋的表而特性、试验方法、GFRP筋直径、粘结长度以及混凝土强度的、GFRP筋的粘结强度理论公式和锚固长度设计建议。

    Based on the test results and former works , a new equation for bond strength and development length of GFRP rebars is proposed in this paper , which takes types of GFRP bars , strength of concrete , diameter of GFRP bars and embedment length in to consideration .

  24. 钢锚箱锚固区部位所处环境复杂,为确保其耐久性,制备了专用高性能纤维混凝土(HPFRC)。

    Concerning the complexity of durability of concrete in anchorage zone between Steel anchorage box and cable in bridge tower , special high performance fiber reinforced concrete ( HPFRC ) was introduced in the tower construction .

  25. 高效预应力混凝土技术是指应用混凝土强度在C40级以上,钢材强度在1470Mpa以上高强度钢丝和钢绞线,以及相应的张拉、锚固体系和技术的预应力混凝土技术。

    The technique of high-efficient prestressing concrete refers to the using of concrete ( the indensity is not less than C40 ), high - indensity tendons and strands ( the indensity is not less than 1470MPa ), and the technique of tension and fixing system .

  26. 锚杆锚固状态参数无损检测及其应用

    Nondestructive testing of parameters of bolt anchoring state and its application

  27. 弹性波在锚杆锚固体系中传播规律的研究

    Study on Propagation Law of Elastic Wave in Bolt Anchoring System

  28. 钢绞线基本性能与锚固长度的试验研究

    Essential Properties of Strand and Experimental Study of Its Anchoring Lengths

  29. 冷拔螺旋肋钢筋粘结锚固性能试验研究

    Study on Bond and Anchor Property of Cold-draw Spiral Steel Bar

  30. 特厚煤层放顶煤巷道首次应用锚固支护技术的实践

    Bolting Used for Thick Coal Seam Mining and Caving Roadway Firstly