
  • 网络diesel engine;Marine Diesel Engine
  1. 接下来论文重点是以船舶柴油机ManB&W12K98ME-C作为仿真对象,根据ME型柴油机的工作过程及原理建立了其物理模型和数学模型。

    Finally the paper also compares the two mainstream ME engine . Next , the paper chooses the marine diesel engine MAN B & W12K98ME-C as the simulating object , and builds its physical and mathematical models based on its working process and the principle .

  2. 船舶柴油机活塞环磨损监测技术研究

    Research on Monitoring Wear of Piston Ring for Marine Diesel Engine Technology

  3. 船舶柴油机NOx的排放法规与控制

    The Regulations and Control of NO_x from Marine Diesel Engines

  4. 船舶柴油机NOx比排放计算方法

    Calculation method of brake NO_x emission from marine diesel engine

  5. 降低船舶柴油机NOx的排放

    Spray-water-vapor scavenging system reduce NO_x emission in exhaust discharged by Marine Diesel Engine

  6. 鲁棒PID算法在船舶柴油机控制中的应用

    Application of Robust PID algorithm on diesel engine control

  7. 均质压燃船舶柴油机燃烧过程与NOx排放的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Combustion Process and NO_x Emission of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Marine Diesel Engines

  8. 船舶柴油机NOx排放控制的技术研究

    Research on Technology for Controlling Ships ' Diesel Engines NOx Emission

  9. 对船舶柴油机NOx排放限制曲线进行了研究。

    This paper studies the NOx-emission limitation curve for marine diesel engine .

  10. 基于AHP的船舶柴油机活塞环断环原因分析

    Analysis of the causes of piston rings ' fracture of marine diesel engine based on AHP

  11. 基于T-S模糊模型的船舶柴油机动态辨识

    Dynamic Identification of Ship Diesel Engine Based on T-S Fuzzy Model

  12. 最后,借助Access数据库和VISUALBASIC编程语言,编写船用柴油机NOx排放实船测试的计算程序,解决了船舶柴油机氮氧化物简化实船测试方法的应用程序化问题。

    In the end , by means of Microsoft Access and Visual Basic , the Calculation Program of NOx Emission from Marine Diesel Engines is finished , which facilitates emission test on-board ship .

  13. 两种优化训练的FNN在船舶柴油机故障诊断中的性能研究

    Performance Research of Fault Diagnosis Using FNN Based on Two Kinds Optimized Methods for Marine Diesel Engine

  14. 在MATLAB环境中编制程序,利用测取的数据建立了相应的BP训练网络,并用BP神经网络对数据样本进行了船舶柴油机曲轴轴承偏离中心线预测。

    Based on MATLAB , a process had been compiled to establish training networks with test data . And then use the samples data to forecast the crank in marine diesel engine .

  15. MCS-96单片机在船舶柴油机转速检测中的应用

    The Application of Singlechip MCS-96 in Marine Diesel Speed Monitoring

  16. 论述了控制大中型船舶柴油机NOx排放的主要技术措施,介绍了船舶柴油机排放标准及测定方法。

    The key technical measures to reduce NOx emission from large medium marine diesel engines are discussed , and the procedures for NOx emission measurements are also introduced .

  17. 最后,针对本次试验和BP神经网络的具体情况,对进一步提高神经网络模拟船舶柴油机NOx排放的有关方法作了讨论。

    Finally , upon the instance of the test and BP neural network , discusses the method of optimizing the BP neural network in order to simulate the marine diesel engine NOx-emission .

  18. 然后,简要介绍了人工智能和BP神经网络的基础知识,并利用BP神经网络的高度非线性拟和功能,将其引入到船舶柴油机NOx排放测试工作中。

    Secondly , it briefly introduces the artificial intelligence and BP neural network , and then imposes the nonlinearity function of the BP neural network on the testing of the marine diesel engine NOx - emission .

  19. 因此,该模型预测精度较高,与试验结果吻合良好,能有效地预测船舶柴油机NOx排放特性。

    Therefore , the NOx emission prediction simulation well coincides with test modes , the BP neural network is an effective way to predict marine diesel engine 's NOx emission characteristics .

  20. 并研究了用Kohonen神经网络作为船舶柴油机本地故障诊断工具,用基于规则的专家系统作远程故障诊断工具的实施方法。

    Secondly , the Kohonen neural network is taken as a local fault diagnosis tool and expert system technology as the remote diagnosis one .

  21. 首先,本文阐述了船舶柴油机NOx的生成机理以及国际控制法规,并介绍了当前船舶柴油机NOx排放测试的具体步骤、注意事项和计算方法。

    Firstly , it expatiates the mechanism of the marine diesel engine NOx producing and the international control code ; introduces the test processes 、 notices and calculation methods of the marine diesel engine NOx-emission carried currently .

  22. 随着国际海事组织(IMO)对船舶柴油机NOx排放测试的强制性要求,为增压器与柴油机进行优化匹配创造了极为有利的条件。

    The compulsory requirements of Internal Marine Organization ( IMO ) to NOx emission measurement of marine diesel engine are put forward , which supplies a beneficial condition for optimized matching of diesel engines and turbochargers .

  23. 船舶柴油机智能监测与智能诊断的研究

    Study on Intelligent Monitoring and Intelligent Diagnosis of Marine Diesel Engine

  24. 船舶柴油机曲轴裂纹的磁记忆在线诊断

    On-line diagnosis of marine diesel crankshaft crack based on magnetic memory

  25. 环境条件对船舶柴油机涡轮增压器性能的影响

    Influence of Ambient Conditions to the Performance of Marine Diesel Turbocharger

  26. 基于润滑油分析技术的船舶柴油机故障诊断

    Marine Diesel Engine Fault Diagnosis Based on Analysis of Lubricating oil

  27. 船舶柴油机课程海事局统考复习策略探讨

    Tactics for Reviewing the Subject of " Marine Diesel Engine "

  28. 船舶柴油机维修制度及修理类别的判定

    Maintenance System and Judgement of Repair Types for Marine Diesel Engine

  29. 对船舶柴油机故障从定性和定量两个方面进行分析。

    Analysis to marine engine faults is done qualitatively and quantitatively .

  30. 应用灰色系统模型进行船舶柴油机磨损趋势分析

    The Analysis of the Ship Diesel Wear State by Applying Grey Model