
tōu lǎn
  • be lazy;slack;shirk;loaf on the job;laze;truant;goldbrick;be indolent;slug
偷懒 [tōu lǎn]
  • [slug;be lazy;loaf on the job] 贪安逸、图省事或有意逃避应干的事(如睡懒觉)

偷懒[tōu lǎn]
  1. 他喜欢偷懒。

    He 's inclined to be lazy .

  2. 开发人员在编写jQuery选择方法时不能偷懒,尽管jQuery的简单让人产生偷懒的欲望。

    Developers should not be lazy when writing their jQuery selections , although it is tempting to do because of its simplicity .

  3. 公司有严格的纪律,没有人偷懒。

    Discipline in the company was strict and no one shirked .

  4. 我认为她没有什么病,只不过是在装病偷懒而已。

    I don 't think there 's anything wrong with her ─ she 's just swinging the lead .

  5. 公正地说,他必须承认她既没有作假也没有偷懒。

    In all fairness he had to admit that she was neither dishonest nor lazy

  6. 他可不是个会偷懒的人,他是他们最好的工人。

    He 's not a slacker , he 's the best worker they 've got .

  7. 他如果发现某人有偷懒的嫌疑就会立即把那个人开除掉。

    If he happened to find a man having a spell the culprit was immediately discharged .

  8. 节食专家称这种“自我纵许”的心理正是我们很多人在节食的过程中偶有几天“放纵偷懒”的背后原因。

    It 's what many diet experts say may be behind why so many of us fall off the diet rails on our " cheat days . "

  9. 你是说Bates先生偷懒吗

    Do you mean Mr Bates is lazy ?

  10. 有时候我上班偷懒,QQ、游戏、看书看电影、拉屎、抽烟、下楼吃东西。

    Sometimes I go to work lazy , QQ , games , reading a movie , Lashi , smoking , go to eat .

  11. 就让我偷懒一次,因为当以后我再次来看这里的时候,我还是能回忆起R2里的日子。

    Let me be lazy this time . I will remember of the days in R2 when I come to your space .

  12. 他还把JawboneUp设置成偷懒30分钟以上就发出振动提醒的状态。

    And he sets the Jawbone UP to vibrate if he is idle for 30 minutes or more .

  13. 如果本文达到了它的目的,那么您现在应该有了一些偷懒的好主意,应该会尝试减轻自己的工作,同时更好地控制您现有的Linux集群环境,还计划在下一个集群中更偷懒。

    If this article has done its job , then you should now have ideas for how you can do less work and get better control of your existing Linux cluster environment and plan for your next one .

  14. 蒂莫西•丹尼尔斯(TimothyDaniels)是约翰逊所在公司AccurateBiometrics的运营副总裁,通过一款电脑监控软件他可以了解到约翰逊和其他员工是在工作还是在偷懒。

    Using a computer-monitoring program , Timothy Daniels , vice president of operations for Accurate Biometrics , can track whether Ms. Johnson and other employees are working - or slacking off .

  15. RefkyAditya的决心是不要在学习上再偷懒了。

    Refky Aditya 's resolution is to not be lazy about studying anymore .

  16. 以ABC公司作为研究对象,通过问卷调查定性分析对ABC公司的现状进行分析,公司目标与雇员目标的不一致,雇员存在卸责偷懒等问题进行阐述。

    To ABC as the research object , on the ABC questionnaire qualitative analysis of the current situation of the company , company objectives and employee goals are inconsistent , lazy employees there is shirking responsibility and other issues described .

  17. 你们只不过想偷懒而已。

    You just don 't want to deal with the epidemic .

  18. 约翰,别偷懒,把活儿干完。

    John , shift your arse and get the job finished .

  19. 偷懒的学生不能通过化学测验。

    The lazy student had failed to pass his chemistry exam .

  20. 打个盹不表明你在偷懒。

    Taking a nap doesn 't mean you 're being lazy .

  21. 我们忙得连一点偷懒的时间都没有。

    We 're so busy there 's never a dull moment .

  22. 比利:你是说你一直在偷懒吗?

    Billy : Do you mean that you have been bludging ?

  23. 偷懒耍滑:国家在场下的农民生存智慧

    " Goldbrick ": Peasants ' Living Wisdom under the State Presence

  24. 谈恋爱,更是不可以偷懒的事情。

    Moderate Fall in love , but can not lazy .

  25. 他在巡逻时从不偷懒跑到餐馆里去。

    He never goofed off into restaurants when he was on patrol .

  26. 偷懒的人吃最大的苦头。&雷

    Lazy folks take the most pains . & John Ray

  27. 在体育馆我想偷懒就装头疼。

    In gym I fake a headache when I want to quit .

  28. 在设计时就考虑到可伸缩性&从一开始就要计划偷懒。

    Design for scale-plan to be lazy from the start .

  29. 真的?我可不想偷懒。

    Really ? I don 't want to be lazy .

  30. 动物头吐牙膏,可以鼓励爱偷懒的小盆友勤刷牙!

    Cool toothpaste heads made to encourage kids to brush their teeth .