
  • 网络larceny
  1. 她误遭控告犯偷盗罪。

    She was wrongly accused of stealing .

  2. 跟偷盗罪同时,这个罪犯还被起诉了醉驾。

    As well as the robberies , he was also charged with drink-driving .

  3. 这是她第三次被判偷盗罪。

    This was her third conviction for stealing .

  4. 他因偷盗罪被逮捕了。

    He was arrested for stealing .

  5. 据悉,该石像是由一名日本古董商从东京带到美国去的,而在今年四月份,该古董商已经承认自己犯下了占有偷盗赃物罪。

    A Japanese antiques dealer who brought it to the US from Tokyo pleaded guilty to possessing stolen property in April .

  6. 但至少最初对这四名员工的控诉偷窃国家机密罪,这是更为严重的罪项被降低为偷盗商业机密罪。

    At least the initial charges against the four men-of stealing state secrets , a graver crime-were downgraded to merely stealing commercially confidential information .