
tōu qiè pǐ
  • kleptomania
  1. 他举着一条搭扣上刻着偷窃癖字样的腰带问道。

    He asked , holding up a belt with the word kleptomaniac engraved across its buckle .

  2. 不要让这个女孩子单独留在藏有很多有价值东西的房间里。因为她有偷窃癖。

    Don 't leave that girl alone in the room with so many valuable objects around , because she has sticky fingers .

  3. 莫丽博士:有些人迫使自己去偷窃,可能有偷窃癖。

    Dr. Mollie : People who feel compelled to steal may have kleptomania .