
  • 网络Stinky Tofu;Deep-fried fermented tofu;Deep-fried Smelly Tofu
  1. 油炸臭豆腐就是其中的一种。

    Fried stinky tofu is one of thses productions .

  2. 这让一些喜食油炸臭豆腐的人们在品尝的时候多了一层担忧。

    It makes some people who like fried stinky tofu worry about the quality .

  3. 油炸臭豆腐也是当地一大特色,市内大街小巷到处都有臭豆腐摊,咸亨酒店外也有。

    Fried fermented tofu is also a local specialty , which is available all over town at small street stalls including one just outside Xianheng .

  4. 本文以安全性角度来分析市售油炸臭豆腐过程中各项环节的安全卫生情况,提出安全控制规范,对提高市售产品的质量安全和对该市场的生产规范具有一定的积极意义。

    Based on the perspective of safety , we study on the fried stinky tofu safety and health condition in the process , puts forward the safety control standard , and then improve the quality of the product safety .

  5. 油炸米面制品、臭豆腐及动物性食品AV显著高于与相应煎炸油AV(P<0.001),米面制品、臭豆腐的AV分别与相应煎炸油AV正相关(P<0.05)。

    AV of the fried products of rice and flour , fried odor soybean curd and fried products of meat were higher than that of the oil ( P < 0.001 ), and there was positive correlation between them respectively .