
jùn zi
  • mushroom;fungus
菌子 [jùn zǐ]
  • [fungus] 〈方〉∶蕈( xùn)

菌子[jùn zi]
  1. 小刺猴头菌子实体水溶性多糖HPⅡ的结构研究

    Structure investigation of water soluble polysaccharide HP ⅱ isolated from the Hericium Caput-medusae

  2. 其中,羊肚菌子实体干粉和由PDA液体培养基发酵产生的菌丝体冻干产物均不产生孢子。

    Among them , morel fruiting body powder and freeze-dried product of PDA liquid medium fermentation of the mycelium did not produce spores .

  3. 目的从蜜环菌子实体中分离水溶性粗多糖,进一步纯化,得到组分均一的多糖AMP,并研究其组成和性质。

    Objective To study the purification of water soluble polysaccharide AMP from the Armillaria mellea , and to study its composition and property .

  4. 许多研究表明:选择适宜的草料替代木屑、麦麸等原料栽培食用菌可以明显改良食用菌的品质,降低食用菌子实体中Cd、Pb、Cr重金属的含量。

    Many researches showed that the herbage was able to use cultivating mushrooms instead of wood scraps and millfeed , and that proper herbage might obviously improve the quality of mushroom and decrease the heavy metals contents such as Cd , Pb and Cr.

  5. 前期研究中,我们在高等真菌地花菌子实体提取物中得到新型抗肿瘤活性小分子探针grifolin。

    In earlier research , we get grifolin , which is a new small molecular probe possesses anti-tumor activity , from higher fungi fruiting bodies extract .

  6. 方法:人工栽培的猴头菌子实体经热水提取、去蛋白、超滤、醇化、真空干燥得多糖粗品,经DEAE-52、Sephacryls-400柱层析得到精品多糖HEP,并对HEP进行免疫活性研究。

    Methods : The crude polysaccharide of artificial cultivated fruit bodies of Hericium erinaceus was extracted with hot water and precipitated with ethanol and it was further purified by DEAE-52 ion-exchange chromatography and Sephacryl S-400 gel filtration chromatography and HEP was obtained .

  7. 对小刺猴头菌子实体多糖HB-1化学组成和结构进行研究,结果表明:HB-1分子量为100000,单糖组成为甘露糖、岩藻糖、葡萄糖、半乳糖。

    The chemical composition and the structure of polysaccharide HB-1 from fruiting bodies of Hericium caput-medusae-were studied . The results showed that the molecular weight of HB-1 was 100 000.HB-1 was mainly composed of Mannose , Fucose , Glucose and Galactose .

  8. 小刺猴头菌子实体化学成分研究

    Study on Chemical Compositions in the Fruiting Body of Hericium Caput-medusae

  9. 灰褐牛肝菌子实体营养成分分析

    Analysis of Main Nutrition Components in Boletus griseus Fruit bodies

  10. 小刺猴头菌子实体多糖的提取工艺

    Study on Extraction Technology of Polysaccharides from Fruiting Bodies of Hericium caput-medusae

  11. 昆明地区印度块菌子囊果的解剖结构研究

    Research on Anatomical Structure of Tuber indicum Ascocarps of Kunming , Yunnan Province

  12. 滇西北地区羊肚菌子囊果形态多样性研究

    A Study on the Ascocarps Morphology Diversity of Morchella from Northwest Yunnan Province

  13. 猴头菌子实体和菌丝体多糖的分离纯化与理化特征的比较

    Isolation , purification and characteristics of Polysaccharides from fruit body and mycelia of Hericium erinaceus

  14. 本论文采用有机溶剂浸提法提取小刺猴头菌子实体中化学成分。

    Solvent extracting method was employed to thoroughly extract chemical compositions from the fruiting body of H.caput-medusae .

  15. 响应面法优化黄绿蜜环菌子实体蛋白酶解条件

    Optimization of hydrolysing condition for fruiting body protein of Armillaria luteo-virens Sacc by enzymes with response surface methodology

  16. 比较了猴头菌子实体和固体培养菌丝体的提取物化学成分的组成和含量的差异。

    The chemical component and concentration of Hericium erinaceus fruit body and mycelial extracts were studied in this article .

  17. 它来到南华寺外边山林中,把自己走过的脚印,变成了巴掌菌。这种菌子能解百毒。

    It comes to the mountain forest outside the Nanhua temple and turns its footprints into palm fungi which can remove toxic substance .

  18. 在石灰量2&4%范围内,16个侧耳属食用菌子实体产量有所提高。

    2 & 4 % lime produces little influence on the fruiting body yields of sixteen species of pleurotus genus , or improves them .

  19. 测试了野生食用蕈菌子实体不同部位的傅里叶变换红外光谱。

    In this paper , vibrational spectra of different parts of fruiting bodies of wild growing mushrooms were recorded with Fourier transform infrared spectrometer .

  20. 首先为了去除小刺猴头菌子实体中的脂溶性物质,以多糖纯度为主要因素,确定95%乙醇对子实体的浸提次数。

    Firstly , in order to remove lipid materials thoroughly , the fruiting bodies of Hericium caput-medusae were lixiviated four times by 95 % ethanol .

  21. 本文研究了羊肚菌子实体的食品毒理学安全性,结果表明:羊肚菌小鼠经口服LD50>10g/kg。

    In this paper the toxicological assessment on food safety of Morchella esculenta was studied . Acute toxicity test showed LD50 > 10g / kg .

  22. 将小刺猴头菌子实体干品粉碎成粉末,室温下用95%医用乙醇多次进行浸泡提取,合并提取液,在40℃条件下减压浓缩,得到乙醇提取液浓缩液。

    Powder the dried fruiting body of H. caput-medusae , soak and extract the powder with 95 % ethanol at room temperature for many times .

  23. 我向我的昆明朋友介绍过这道菜,他们很喜欢铺在西瓜上的鸡肉和菌子的味道。

    I had introduced this dish to my Kunming friends who really enjoyed the tastes of chicken and mushrooms on a bed of water melon .

  24. 食用菌子实体和菌丝体经热水提取,Sevage法去除蛋白质,乙醇沉淀等处理,得到多糖。

    Polysaccharide was extracted by hot water from fruit-body and mycelium of edible fungi and its protein was eliminated , then it was precipitated by alcohol .

  25. 她姐姐很受感动。从那以后,常常趁砍柴、拾菌子、找草药的机会来照料这小茅屋。

    Her sister was deeply moved and since then , she would often come to manage the house when she cut woods or picked up some mushrooms .

  26. 另外,采摘的盆景食用菌子实体还很好地保持了其完整性、新鲜度、营养成分和风味,因而具有很高的观赏价值和食用价值。

    In addition , mushroom fruit bodies which picked in the bonsai still kept their integrity , freshness , nutrition and flavor , so it had very high visual value and edible value .

  27. 提出决定褐环粘盖牛肝菌等菌根食用菌子实体能否发生和发生最大产量的根本因素是共生树种类型、立地、林分结构、土壤;

    It pointed out the main factors determining the growth of fruit bodies of the edible fungus Suillus luteus and the greatest yield were accompanying tree species , site , forest stand structure and soil ;

  28. 食用菌子实体质地细嫩,营养丰富,其中许多种类还具有多种医疗保健作用,在农林作物废弃料转化中具有重要作用。

    Mushroom fruiting bodies delicate texture , nutrient-rich , many of which also has a variety of health care , and play an important role in the transformation of waste materials of agriculture and forestry crops .

  29. 因此,人工培养桦褐孔菌子实体或菌丝体非常必要,运用液体深层发酵生产桦褐孔菌菌丝体是一条有效的途径,这为研究和开发桦褐孔菌提供了充足的原材料。

    Therefore , artificial cultivation of fruiting body of Inonotus obliquus is very necessary . Liquid culture is an effective way to increase production of Inonotus obliquus . Then it can offer sufficient raw materials for the research and development of Inonotus obliquus .