
  1. 有史以来电脑人物头一次显得如此有血有肉活泼可爱栩栩如生

    For the first time , computer characters are warm , cuddly , relatable .

  2. 人员采用电脑设计技术对画中的主菜、面包和餐盘了扫描,并计算出食物的尺寸与画中人物头的尺寸之间的比例。

    Using computer-aided design technology , they scanned the main dish , bread and plates and calculated the size of portion relative to the size of the average head in the painting .

  3. 在这对奇怪人物头上的岩石上,落着三只虎视眈眈的巨雕,它们一见另外的人们来到,便发出一阵失望的啼声,无可奈何地飞走了。

    On the ledge of rock above this strange couple there stood three solemn buzzards , who , at the sight of the newcomers , uttered raucous screams of disappointment and flapped sullenly away .

  4. 这是贾克梅蒂最后一件作品,在这个半身塑像中,人物的头从身躯上扬起,而那身躯就象是由流动的岩浆凝固而成。

    In this bust the artist 's final work the head rises from a body that looks like it was formed by hardened flowing lava .

  5. 走近瞧瞧的话,会发现语言的组成是千姿百态的,就像是阿奇姆•波尔多那些奇怪的画一样,画中人物的头都是由水果和蔬菜组成的。

    Looked at closely , the language comes apart in images , like those strange paintings by Giuseppe Arcimboldo where heads are made of fruit and vegetables .

  6. 人物的头朝着画面的右侧仰着,但是他的(亦或是他的面具的)眼泪却接近垂直方向垂落,彷佛是对地心重力的呼应。

    The figure 's head tilts to the pictorial right but his , or his mask 's , tears fall nearly vertically , as if responding to gravity .

  7. 这是T先生的身子(天龙特工队人物)但没头

    Here 's Mr. T 's body with no head .