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  1. 奥布赖恩让那些人排成了参差不齐的一列。

    O'Brien formed the men into a ragged line .

  2. 投票站还没有开门,就有人排起了队。

    Queues formed even before polling stations opened .

  3. 书付印前,必须有人排好页码。

    When the book is ready for printing , someone has to page it up .

  4. 有些人排着队,其他人则在四处走动。

    Some were standing in line ; others were walking around .

  5. 到了晚上,在披露街的东头,来到鹿鸣春(Joe’sShanghai)品尝汤包的人排起了长队。

    At night , on Pell 's eastern end , pilgrims queue for soup dumplings at Joe 's Shanghai .

  6. NASA资助的研究人员正在研制一种利用人排泻废物发电的燃料电池。

    NASA-supported researchers are working to develop a fuel cell that can extract electricity from human waste .

  7. 7月10日,新加坡运营商加坡电信(SingaporeTelecommunications)发布iPhone,2000多人排了几个小时的队争相购买。

    More than 2000 people in Singapore queued up for hours when domestic carrier Singapore Telecommunications launched the iPhone on July 10 .

  8. 几乎广告,数以百计的人排起了长队。

    Despite almost no publicity , hundreds of people lined up .

  9. “就按你说的办。”卡车司机说道,“有人排在维尔森前面吗?

    " As you wish ," the lorry driver said .

  10. 在走过市区的时候,他们看见领救济食物的人排着长队。

    On the walk through the city they saw breadlines .

  11. 一些人排了一晚上的队等着进去。

    Some people had queued all night to get in .

  12. 一个年轻人排着队在等待见他。

    SHEP O'NEAL : A young man waited in line to see him .

  13. 数百人排起了长队,超市开门后,发生了踩踏事件。

    Hundreds queued and when the doors opened , there was a stampede .

  14. 一些证券营业部每天早晨都有人排着长队等着开户。

    Some brokerages had long queues of people waiting every morning to open new accounts .

  15. 上个月,深圳附近一家富士康工厂的门外有1000人排起了长队,等待接受招聘面试。

    A queue of 1,000 people awaited interviews outside a Foxconn facility near Shenzhen last month .

  16. 即使是一位冷静、有教养的老板,也倾向于将老爱唱反调的人排挤出自己的核心圈子。

    Even a polite and level-headed boss will be tempted to cut naysayers out of the loop .

  17. 我知道你们很多人排了很长的队才来到今天的典礼

    I know that some of you had to wait in long lines to get into today 's ceremony

  18. 50万人排在标志性建筑物勃兰登堡门的街道两侧,欢迎他们的球队凯旋归来。

    Half a million people lined the streets close to the iconic Brandenburg Gate to welcome the victorious team home .

  19. 突然间,其他的村子也开始养鹌鹑了。大城市里的人排着队来买鹌鹑蛋。

    Suddenly other villagers began raising quail too , and customers in bigger towns lined up to buy quail eggs .

  20. 可能有一大堆人排着队等着向大牛发问,耐心等待,有你表现的机会。

    There may be a line of people waiting to speak to her , so be patient and wait for your turn .

  21. 很不一样的,我见过有些自认为有钱的人排一个小时就发火。

    Quiet the opposite , I have seen some who think they are rich and feel outrageous when they have waited just one hour .

  22. 星期二,休斯敦官员听说有人排了几个小时的队、但却空手而归之后,接管了物资分发工作。

    On Tuesday , Houston officials took control of supply distributions after they learned of people standing in line for hours only to be turned away empty handed .

  23. 因此,总的来说,她的带子上就是一堆有点瘦有点褪色的人排排坐看电视。

    So what she had on tape , essentially , was a bunch of slightly thin and discoloured people sitting around watching televisions that were showing network broadcasts .

  24. 周二,“中国实时报”栏目在上海的一个政府房地产交易登记中心看到,房屋所有人排起长队,许多人手中拿着房产证。

    Long queues of owners , many of them with their property deeds in their hands , were in evidence at a government housing office in Shanghai when China Real Time paid a visit on Tuesday .

  25. 投资者对阿里巴巴兴趣浓厚,等待与集团高管见上哪怕一个小时的人排起了长龙。因此,公司聘请的投行有可能会最终提高价格区间,使筹资额超越之前设定的211亿美元(约合1296亿元人民币)目标。

    And with that intense interest - shown by the huge lines of investors who waited to spend even an hour with Alibaba 's senior management - comes the possibility that the company 's bankers may eventually raise the price range for the offering , pushing it past a fund-raising goal of $ 21.1 billion .

  26. 想为我效力的人可是排着长队呢!

    People are queueing up to work for me !

  27. 老年人多排螺旋CT冠状动脉钙化扫描临床应用初探

    Clinical application of multislice spiral CT scan for coronary artery calcium of old person : initial experience

  28. 数百名粉丝已经将这种面包拍照后上传至社交网站,一位Instagram用户表示,为了亲口尝一尝西瓜面包甚至驱车两小时前往该店。社交网站上还有照片显示,在这家小店门口等待买面包的人已经排成了长龙。

    Hundreds of fans have uploaded snaps of the snack to social media , with one Instagram user saying they had driven two hours just to sample the bread . Other social media shots show the small store with a crowd of eager customers snaking out on to the street .

  29. 著作权人可以排他地直接使用和收益。

    The copyright holder may arrange his direct use and the income .

  30. 每个人都排成队上了火车。

    Everyone gets in a queue to board the train .