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  1. 结论:西陵皂苷B为一新化合物。

    CONCLUSION : Xilingsaponin B is a new compound .

  2. 河北省清西陵地区真菌区系初步调查

    A preliminary survey on fungus flora in Yixian Xiling of Hebei province

  3. 西陵长江大桥全焊钢箱梁大跨度悬索桥技术

    All-fabricated Steel Box Beam Large-span Suspension Bridge of Xiling Yangtze River Bridge

  4. 清西陵野生高等真菌调查初报

    Preliminary report on the survey of higher fungi in Western Qing tombs areas

  5. 湖北西陵峡地区珍稀特有植物分析

    Analysis of the precious rare and endemic plants in Xiling Gorge region of Hubei

  6. 湖北西陵峡地区的植被

    Vegetation of the Xiling Gorge region in Hubei

  7. 西陵长江大桥钢箱加劲梁支座的设计与安装

    Design and Erection of the Supports Under Steel Box Stiffened Girder of Xiling Changjiang Bridge

  8. 西陵长江大桥&我国首座大跨度全焊接钢箱梁现代悬索桥

    Xiling Yangtze River bridge the first long span suspension bridge with all-welding steel box girder in China

  9. 所以,西陵在三国政治吏、战争史上的地位,应该给予足够的重视。

    Xiling 's position should be paid more attention to in the history of war and politics .

  10. 鉴定结果:西陵地区有高等野生真菌4目、9科、14属、19种。其中可食用的有11种。

    To 14 genera , 9 families and 4 orders were identified and 11 species were edible .

  11. 西陵峡沿岸文物遗迹颇多,如黄陵寺和三游洞等。

    Among the cultural relics in the gorge are the Huangling Temple and the Three Travellers Cave .

  12. 窃以为,唯有大画幅相机,最能细致刻画清西陵的恢弘与大气;

    In my humble opinion , only gross format cameras can depict the grandeur of the Western Qing Tombs .

  13. 面对西陵我“述而不作”,力求将这一切化为永恒。

    Facing the Western Qing Tombs , I shoot without invention , and try to turn it into eternity .

  14. 西陵地区是河北保定一带植被保存较好的地带。

    The vegetation in Xi-Ling ( West Tomb ) region , Bao-Ding Prefecture of Hebei province has been relatively well preserved .

  15. 世界文化遗产清东陵和清西陵。

    There are Qing Dynasty imperial tombs at Zunhua ( East Qing Tombs ) and Yixian ( West Qing Tombs ) .

  16. 西陵长江大桥为三峡水利枢纽工程前期准备工程中的一项重要的交通设施。

    Xiling Yangtze River Bridge is one of the important traffic facilities for preparation of the Three-Gorge Water Conservancy Key Project .

  17. 悠久的历史,秀丽的山川,清西陵等众多的名胜古迹,构成了特有的旅游资源优势。

    A long history , beautiful mountains and rivers , and many other historical sites Qingxiling constitutes a unique tourism resources .

  18. 穿过长江第三峡??西陵峡后,三峡新石器时代至商周时期考古的新局面和新课题

    New Aspect and New Topic of Archaeology from Neolithic Age to Shang and Zhou Periods in Three Gorges along Yangtze River

  19. 本文仅就河北省西陵地区几种主要母岩母质上发育的土壤做了初步的分析。

    Soils in several main kinds of parent rock in Xiling district , Hebei Province have been preliminarily analyzed in this paper .

  20. 西陵峡比较宽阔,但是江流至此变得特别凶恶,处处是急流,处处是险滩。

    Xiling Gorge is fairly broad , but the current here is even fiercer and there are many rapids and dangerous shoals .

  21. 三峡包括瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡。起于(四川)奉节县,止于(湖北)宜昌市,全长大约200公里。

    The three gorges , qutang , Wuxia and xiling , start just after Fengjie and end near yichang , a stretch of about200km .

  22. 河北孔各庄金矿位于紫荆关灵山大断层东侧,易县西部司各庄良岗杜岗西陵背斜西翼,在柴厂官座岭带岩体的北西部。

    Konggezhuang gold deposit lies in the east of the Zijingguan-Lingshan fault , west limb of Sigezhuang-Lianggang-Dugang-xiling anticline and north-west of Caichang-Guanzuoling rock mass .

  23. 江流刚奔出巫峡,还没来得及喘息,却又冲人第三峡&西陵峡了。

    No sooner has the Yangtze passed Wu Gorge than , without stopping for breath , it rushes us on to the third gorge , Xiling .

  24. 西陵长江大桥,1996年6月10日建成通车,是连接两岸工地的主要通道。

    Completed and open to traffic on August 10th 1996 , the Xiling Yangtze Bridge is the main path connecting the left and the right bank .

  25. 近些年来,作者对西陵地区的植物资源进行了较全面的调查和标本采集工作。

    In recent years , the authors made a series of on-the-spot investigations and collected specimens aiming at the thorough survey of the plant resources in Xi-Ling region .

  26. 本文通过南市区西陵高层打桩施工的实例,分析了各种打桩防护措施的作用和效果。

    This paper presents an analysis of the functions and effects of various protective measures for piling through the example of the piling and construction of Xi-ling high-rise in Nanshi District .

  27. 三峡工程位于长江三峡之一的西陵峡的中段,坝址在宜昌市的三斗坪。三峡工程建筑由大坝、水电站厂房和通航建筑物三大部分组成。

    The Three Gorges Project ( TGP ) is located in Sandouping of the Xiling Gorge , consisting of a large dam across a river , hydroelectric power station and navigation structures .

  28. 1983~1984年,笔者对清西陵地区野生食用菌资源进行了沿线调查或随机抽样调查,对采到的标本进行了室内鉴定。

    In order to investigate the wild edible mushroom resources in Western Qing Tombs areas , survey was made along the line or by random sampling from different places during 1983-1984 . 19 species belongin ;

  29. 本文以在三国鼎立的历史背景下孙吴政权的安危存亡为线索,论述了西陵(即夷陵)地区在三国相争中的军事重镇地位,以及它时于荆州乃至于吴国全境的屏藩作用。

    In the historical background of tripartite confrontation of three kingdoms this paper discusses Xiling 's importance as a military town by the line of Sun - wu regime as well as its defense function to Jingzhou and Wu country .

  30. 宜昌铁通西陵分局的交换设备到现在已经有较长的运营历史,面临着网络规划不合理、数据传输速率缓慢、难以实现新型业务等问题。

    The switching equipment in CTT Yichang , Xiling branch has a long operating history by this time . Now the switching equipment is facing a lot of troubles like unreasonable network planning , low-rate data transmission speed and impossible to provide new services .