
  1. 我国民间年画艺术这一绘画体裁,有它自身的美学原理。

    The Spring Festival pictures , a folk art in China , have their own aesthetic principles .

  2. 佳士得拍卖行表示,对于人工智能来说,肖像画是非常难呈现的一个绘画体裁,“因为人们很擅长画脸部的曲线和复杂部位,而人工智能往往做不到。”

    Portraiture is a tough genre for AI to take on , according to Christie 's , " since humans are highly attuned to the curves and complexities of a face in a way that a machine cannot be . "

  3. 其二,通过对朝鲜后期的社会背景和生活,审美意识和精神世界进行考察,赋予民画作为独创的一种绘画体裁在美术史上应有的价值和意义;

    Second , after carrying through reviewing the social background , life , beautiful consciousness and spirit world in the later Korea period , we should endow them with value and signification in the art 's history as they are originally creational brushwork types .