
  1. 就让这异彩缤纷的系列化为你圣诞量身定制的欢乐,用白色珍珠和璀璨钻石串起您洁白圣诞梦。

    Let the splendor of colorful tailored series into the joy of Christmas , with white pearls and dazzling diamond pierce your white Christmas dream .

  2. 因此尽管把一块煤变成一颗璀璨钻石的想法美妙无比,却纯属异想天开。

    So while the idea of a lump of coal becoming a beautiful diamond makes a pretty picture , it 's still one big spoonful of lies .

  3. 另一艘176英尺长的游艇配有水疗游泳池、人工瀑布和酒窖。但报告指出,“克里姆林宫船队的真正璀璨钻石”是一艘有五层甲板的船只,上面有按摩浴缸、烧烤架、枫木柱廊、以及大理石浴室。

    Another 176ft yacht includes a spa pool , waterfall and wine cellar , but " the real diamond of the Kremlin flotilla , " the report claims , is a five-decked boat with a jacuzzi , barbecue , a maple wood colonnade and a bathroom faced in marble .

  4. 就像夜空中一颗璀璨的钻石。

    Like a diamond in the sky .

  5. 一个漂亮的女人是一颗璀璨的钻石,但一个好女人是一座宝藏。聪明的男人都不会为了一颗钻石放弃一座金矿。

    A beauty is only a bright diamond , but a good woman is a treasury . A smart man will not give up a treasury in order to a diamond .
