
cuǐ càn
  • bright;resplendent;lustrous gleaming
璀璨 [cuǐ càn]
  • [bright;lustrous gleaming] 形容光彩夺目

  • 阳光璀璨

璀璨[cuǐ càn]
  1. 在Internet技术发展的长河里,Web是一颗璀璨的明珠。

    During the development of Internet technology , the Web is a very bright pearl .

  2. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)周一发布了一张拍摄日期为1月30日的新图片,从中可以看到韩国各地灯光璀璨,朝鲜则只有一些稀稀拉拉、昏暗无力的亮点,对比甚至更明显了。

    In a new photo released by NASA on Monday and dated Jan. 30 , the contrast between the bright lights across South Korea and a few dim spots in the North is , if anything , more pronounced .

  3. 宫殿灯光璀璨。

    The Palace glittered with lights .

  4. 唐三彩是中国古代陶器中一颗璀璨的明珠。

    The tri-coloured glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty is a shining pearl among ancient Chinese pottery .

  5. 宝石类有水晶、玛瑙、翡翠、碧玉、钻石、红宝石和蓝宝石等等。各种宝石都是玲珑剔透、璀璨晶莹

    Lapidary kind crystal , agate , halcyon , jasper , diamond , ruby and sapphirine are waited a moment .

  6. 群星璀璨的西部白酒企业&谈西部大开发、加入WTO对白酒市场的影响

    The Influence of the Western Developmet and the Entry of the WTO to White Spirit Market

  7. Oldnavy将于明年6月和7月将璀璨兰花紫的上衣与裙装运往各大门店。

    Come next June and July , Old Navy will be shipping radiant orchid tops and dresses into its stores .

  8. CCTV黄金剧场:王冠上璀璨的宝石

    CCTV Gold Theater : the Brightest Stone on the Crown

  9. 第一个标题是“群星璀璨的天空”,还配有梵高(vangogh)画的《星空》。

    The first heading is " starry starry heights " and comes with a picture of the stars by Van Gogh .

  10. 彩通(Pantone)的色彩观察员称,2014年的流行色彩将是一种名为璀璨兰花紫(radiantorchid)的粉紫色。

    The color watchers at Pantone say the ' It ' color of 2014 is a pinky purple known as ' radiant orchid . '

  11. 克里曼告诉《北京青年报》记者,tuhao与英语中bling(意指穿名牌衣服戴璀璨珠宝)一词有着相似之处。

    Kleeman told the Beijing Youth Daily that tuhao has some similarities with the English word bling , which refers to expensive , ostentatious clothing or jewelry .

  12. 法国化妆品巨头丝芙兰(Sephora)曾考虑采用璀璨兰花紫用作一款染发剂的颜色,但最终还是放弃,转而决定只将其用于唇彩、腮红、指甲油和眼影产品。

    French cosmetics giant Sephora considered using radiant orchid as a hair color , but backed off , deciding instead to focus on lips , cheeks , nails and eyes .

  13. 在我们谈话期间,科莫纳尔透露,蒂芙尼最近开发了一款闪闪发光的Snapchat“过滤器”,把钻石的璀璨光芒传递到任何拥有手机的人。

    During our conversation , Cumenal revealed that Tiffany had recently created a sparkly Snapchat " filter " that communicates the dazzle of a diamond to anyone with a mobile phone .

  14. 在这个众星云集的场合,她艳惊了四座。48岁的WaightKeller女士,赢得了英国年度最佳女性着装设计师,在伦敦肯辛顿这个具有历史意义的地点,星光璀璨的场合,其发言当中亲自感谢了梅根。

    MsWaight Keller , 48 , won the prestigious British Womenswear Designer of the Year award and thanked Meghan personally in her speech at the star-studded awards ceremony at the historic venue in Kensington , London .

  15. 他描绘了乔布斯在Pixar和90年代后期重返苹果时更加璀璨的辉煌,以及我们自然而然的期待着看到乔布斯会在经历过他人生中的大起大落之后,而显露出的更加睿智和优雅的锋芒。

    He then charts the even greater triumphs at Pixar and at a resurgent Apple , when Jobs returns , in the late nineteen-nineties , and our natural expectation is that Jobs will emerge wiser and gentler from his tumultuous journey .

  16. 这本书真正是中国文学上一颗璀璨的明珠。

    The book is really a shinning pearl in Chinese literature .

  17. 我国是诗的国度,拥有璀璨的诗歌文化。

    China is a country of poems with splendid poetic culture .

  18. 秦皇岛宛如一颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在渤海岸边。

    Qinhuangdao is like a bright pearl on the Bohai Seashore .

  19. 魅力犹如璀璨的明珠,强力吸引着人。

    Charm is a bright pearl . It attracts people strongly .

  20. 中国古典园林正是其中的一颗璀璨明珠。

    Chinese Classical Gardens is one of the one bright pearl .

  21. 这些交易是巴菲特璀璨投资生涯的最好证明。

    It 's a testament to how successful Buffett has been .

  22. 香港永远是祖国的一颗璀璨明珠。

    Hong Kong is a bright pearl of the motherland forever .

  23. 大洋洲上一颗璀璨的文学海贝:澳大利亚文学

    A Radiant Literature Sea Shell in Oceania : Australian literature

  24. 塘沽是渤海湾上的一颗璀璨的明珠。

    Tanggu is a shining pearl over the Bohai Bay .

  25. 故事里有璀璨的金色,和纯净的银色。

    Story , there are bright gold and pure silver .

  26. 广袤黑暗的宇宙中一颗璀璨的宝石。

    A shining jewel in a vast , dark universe .

  27. 没有河床的冲刷,就不会有钻石的璀璨;

    There are no glittering diamonds without the scouring of the riverbed ;

  28. 璀璨的星空,一幅幅的自画像悬挂在空落落的大�

    Starry , starry night , portraits hung in empty hall

  29. 中国是一个古老的国度,有着璀璨的古代文明。

    China is an ancient country and has a splendid ancient civilization .

  30. 我想变成一颗明亮璀璨的星星。

    I want to be a bright , bright star .
