
lìnɡ lèi
  • the other kind
  • offbeat;alien;unconventional
  1. 扎克伯克此前也与谷歌(Google)创始人谢尔盖布林(SergeyBrin)和拉里椠奇(LarryPage)一样,将经营企业、投资另类创意以及让世界变得更美好的抱负混合在一起。

    Like Sergey Brin and Larry Page , Google 's founders , Mr Zuckerberg has until now combined running a corporation , investing in offbeat ideas and making the world a better place .

  2. 你是否曾经有过冲动想要待在一个另类的酒店?

    Have you ever felt the urge to stay in an offbeat hotel ?

  3. 如果你喜欢另类喜剧的话,你就会喜欢这本书。

    If you like alternative comedy you 'll love this book .

  4. 弗格齐是美国最大的未签约的另类乐队。

    Fugazi are America 's biggest unsigned alternative band .

  5. 什么是另类医疗?它能为你做些什么?

    What is alternative health care ? What can it do for you ?

  6. 这与皮尔倡导另类音乐的做法一致。

    This coheres with Peel 's championing of alternative music

  7. 你不觉得她对你来说有些另类,有些太做作吗?

    Didn 't you find her a little way-out for you , a bit too arty ?

  8. 他一身的奇装异服,真是另类!

    He is quaintly dressed , what a strange one he is .

  9. 小型后巷屋和“寄生建筑”等另类建筑取代大型公寓房接连出现。

    Alternatives such as tiny laneway houses and ' parasite ' buildings are popping up in lieu of big-box condos .

  10. 但并不是所有的艺术家、画廊和形式都在这个另类的展览会上表现出同等优势。

    But not every artist , gallery and form showed to equal advantage in this alternative fair . Not surprisingly , simple two-dimensional works in bright colours came across best .

  11. Internet上网站资源的评价时尚另类的网络语言

    The Web site Evaluation on the Internet

  12. 厄奇投资的公司之一是在伦敦另类投资市场(aim)上市的排放贸易有限公司(tradingemissions)。

    One company he invests in is trading emissions , which is listed on the alternative investment market ( AIM ) .

  13. 我们可以看出来,不管是从表达方式还是传播的信息层面,以及报道所关注的角度和视野上来看,Blog都体现了对于传统媒体的一种延伸和补充,而不仅仅是标新立异的与众不同和另类。

    And the information gathered in a Blog is still an expansion and addition to Traditional Media .

  14. 对AES密码的另类解密&旁路分析低频交流电码轨道电路

    Decryption New to AES – a Side Channel Analysis low frequency AC coded track circuit

  15. 英国的AIM具有另类市场的某些特色,不过AIM最大型的发行人最终通常也会升级至主市场。

    The UK 's AIM has some of the characteristics of an alternative market , although the largest AIM issuers are generally expected to graduate to the main market eventually .

  16. 另类收藏品拍卖行HeritageAuctions今年4月在加州贝弗利山庄举办了首场葡萄酒拍卖会。

    Heritage Auctions , the collectables house , held its inaugural wine sale in April in Beverly Hills , California .

  17. 昨天这场风波再起波澜:另类资产管理公司太盟亚洲资本(PAGCapital)报价每股6港元收购盈德。

    Yesterday brought a new gust to roil the dust : alternative asset manager PAG Capital has offered HK $ 6 for Yingde .

  18. 虽然没有研究专门讨论这个话题,但是其他研究表明它可能对你有益。美国行业研究公司IBISWorld的一份报告显示2015年美国的另类医疗收入已经达到133亿美元。

    A report by US industry research companyIBISWorld showed the alternative healthcare segment was worth $ 13.3bn inrevenue in 2015 in the US alone .

  19. 李小加面临的挑战将是如何提高利润,同时击退来自上海证交所(ShanghaiStockExchange)和可能会夺走市场份额的另类交易平台(又称暗池)的竞争。

    Mr Li 's challenge will be to boost profits while fighting off competition from the Shanghai Stock Exchange and from alternative trading platforms , known as dark pools , which threaten to take market share .

  20. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)即将与英国两家另类贷款机构合作,帮助英国中小企业与中国做生意。

    Alibaba is teaming up with two alternative lenders in the UK to help small and medium-sized British companies do business in China .

  21. 摩根大通还控股另类投资管理公司Highbridge,其名下管理资产约有210亿美元,以及私人股本集团OneEquityPartners。

    JPMorgan also controls Highbridge , the alternative investment manager with about $ 21bn in assets under management , and One Equity Partners , a private equity group .

  22. 在这个一次性或快速时装依然占主导地位的时代,李维斯公司(LeviStraussCo)多少有点另类。

    At a time when throwaway , or fast fashion remains dominant , Levi Strauss Co. is something of an anomaly .

  23. 预告的背景音乐是一首非常现代化的歌曲,来自威尔士另类摇滚乐队TheJoyFormidable今年早些时候发布的新歌《WolfsLaw》。

    The trailer is set to a very modern song Wolfs Law by Welsh alternative rock band The Joy Formidable , released earlier this year .

  24. 此次宴请是陈光标的又一次另类的慈善和环保行动。之前,他还试图收购《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes),在北京充满雾霾的街头免费派发罐装新鲜空气,以及在街上撒钱。

    All this added to his bizarre track record , which now includes trying to buy The New York Times , handing out ' Fresh Air ' containers on the streets of polluted Beijing and giving out cash on the streets .

  25. 门垫的设计超级有趣和另类,灵感是来自iPhone手机的滑动解锁功能,还有比它更炫的门垫吗?

    This fun and super geek doormat comes with the famous inscription inspired by iPhone Slide to Unlock , nothing better to place in front of your door .

  26. 这个为期两天的活动以Humanity+@HongKong为主题,是在香港举办的三个专场会议的第一场,旨在以另类思维探索人类状况。

    The two-day event , Humanity + @ Hong Kong , was the first in a series of three conferences convened in Hong Kong which were designed to explore the human condition , with out-of-the-box thinking .

  27. 世界交易所联合会(worldfederationofexchanges)表示,“某些交易场所”近年来的增长,已经在充分监管的交易所与“另类指令执行平台”之间,造成了不平等的竞争。

    The World Federation of exchanges said the growth of " certain trading venues " in recent years had created an uneven playing field between fully regulated exchanges and " alternative order execution platforms " .

  28. 在这个一次性或“快速”时装依然占主导地位的时代,李维斯公司(LeviStrauss&Co)多少有点另类。

    At a time when throwaway , or " fast " fashion remains dominant , Levi Strauss & Co. is something of an anomaly .

  29. 因此会有足够多的新股上市,使上海、纳斯达克(Nasdaq)、香港和另类投资市场都忙活好一阵。

    So there will be enough listings to keep Shanghai , Nasdaq , Hong Kong and Aim all busy for quite a while .

  30. JackWhite以他的第二张个人专辑《Lazaretto》获得最佳另类音乐专辑提名,他曾以《WhiteStripes》三次获得过这一奖项。

    15.Jack White , nominated for Best Alternative Music Album for his second solo album , Lazaretto , won three times in this category with the White Stripes .