
  1. 在该文化区域的西面,从事集约农业的另一种文化开始兴盛起来。

    To the west another culture , based on intensive agriculture , was beginning to flourish .

  2. 是另一种美好的开始。

    Another is a good start .

  3. 但它的确标志着另一种思想的开始,这种思想最终引发了作者的后一本著作在1776年的产生,这就是。

    But this does mark the beginning of the thought process leading to his later book , The Wealth of Nations , in1776 .

  4. 凡是可以触及这种现状的,哪怕只触及表皮,都会使他胆战心惊,以为这是另一种东西的开始。

    Everything which could affect this situation , if only on the surface , made him shudder like the beginning of something new .

  5. 释:按照佛教的说法,死是另一种生命的开始。这个概念属于净土宗的部分。

    Shih : According to Buddhism , death is a kind of beginning of life . This concept is part of Pure Land Buddhism .

  6. 初盛唐之交和盛唐时期另一种造像风格开始变化发展,而且又同时出现于上述三个地区。

    In prosperous Tang another kind of style starts changing the development , and appear at the same time again in above three regions .

  7. 人们认为它只是另一种科技,正在开始极大地改变我们的生活、文化、政治、城市、工作、甚至是我们的婚姻。它尤其会给我们带来一个富有新意的旧词:游牧。

    Something that people think of as just another technology is beginning to show signs of changing lives , culture , politics , cities , jobs , even marriages dramatically .