
  1. 我怀念的倒不是这些漫长时光。

    I don 't really miss those long , slow days .

  2. 那些让我怀念的个性都去哪儿了?

    Do those memorable characters fade away ?

  3. B.我怀念以前的补贴计划。它在2006年被取消了。但我理解公司的苦衷。

    B. I miss my old pension plan , which was taken away in 2006 , but I understand why the company did it .

  4. 我怀念昔日的罗马天主教弥撒及其仪式。

    I miss the old Latin mass and its ritual .

  5. 我怀念明斯克的夏天,也怀念在医院里抽烟

    I miss summers in Minsk . I miss smoking in hospitals .

  6. 我最怀念的就会是你了。

    I think I 'll miss you most of all .

  7. 我怀念美国的很多事。-

    There 's lots of things I miss in the U.S. - Yeah ?

  8. 我怀念自己的一头秀发啊。

    I miss having a head full of hair .

  9. 我怀念当时的气息,我思念我的挚友

    I miss the air , I miss my friends

  10. 我怀念正宗的中国菜。

    B : I miss real Chinese food .

  11. 冷,是此刻的我多么怀念的温度。

    Cold , at this moment , is what I want the temperature to be .

  12. 这事我最怀念的是,现在我们只是像其他驾驶一辆沿。

    The thing I most miss is , now we just drive along like every other car .

  13. 让我最怀念的是人们装饰房子用的节日灯。

    One of the biggest things I missed was the lights that people use to decorate their homes .

  14. 但是你那清楚的言语使我怀念以往的世界,所以我不得不说。

    But I feel I must ; your plain talk is compelling , it makes me think of old times in the world .

  15. 他说,我好怀念曼谷的那个Jenny,那时候的她总是想要跟我聊天,可是,我不喜欢北京的Jenny,这时候的你从来没有时间陪我。

    He said , I miss the Jenny in BKK so much cos back then she always wanted to talk to me but now , I dont like the Jenny in Beijing cos you are always busy !

  16. 那是一段安宁的日子,有时我还挺怀念的。

    It was a quiet life . I miss it sometimes .

  17. 有点太多愁善感了,我就是挺怀念的。

    Sorry to be so sentimental . I just miss it .

  18. 我真怀念儿时的端午节啊!

    I really miss the Dragon Boat Festival childhood ah !

  19. 谢谢你展示出你能改变这个世界。我会怀念你的。

    Thanks for showing that what you build can change the world .

  20. 我怀念在美国的很多事情是吗?

    There 's lots of things I miss in the U.S. Yeah ?

  21. 我们的第一个家在我心中总是怀念的。

    Our first home will always have a special place in our hearts .

  22. 我怀念城市街道的喧闹声。

    I miss the bustle of the city streets .

  23. 保罗:监狱里,还有一件事让我怀念--你的信。

    Paul : There is one thing i 'll miss about prison-Your letters .

  24. 我喜欢怀念伟大的瑞典老海洋学家,奥图?贝得森。

    I like to remember the wonderful old Swedish oceanographer , Otto Petterson .

  25. 为什么我怀念在家的日子?

    Why do I miss being at home ?

  26. 那是在感恩节的时候,我十分怀念家人的“最后的晚餐”。

    That occurred on Thanksgiving , when I missed my family 's Last Supper .

  27. 都让我怀念起以前的日子。

    That makes me miss the old times .

  28. 我非常怀念我的老婆,她是世上最好的女人!

    I miss my wife , she Is the best woman in the world !

  29. 我会怀念我的老师我的学校

    I will miss my teachers and my school

  30. 呃,我怀念赢比赛的感觉&事实上我太想念了。

    RB : Well , I miss winning races-in fact I miss it terribly .