
  1. 我不会唱歌,我在这儿只是滥竽充数。

    I am not good at singing . I 'm here just to make up the number .

  2. 你能唱歌或是跳舞吗?我不会唱歌但是我会跳一点舞。

    Can you sing or dance ? I can 't sing but I can dance a little .

  3. 我不会唱歌只会弹点吉他如果…我们周四要录歌

    I can 't sing . I can play a bit of guitar , if that 's. .. We 're doing one on Thursday .

  4. 史蒂文斯先生,他说,指的是那位剧作家,正在写一首小曲子,想要你下个星期演唱。哎呀,我不会唱歌,嘉莉回答。

    " Mr. Stevens ," he said , referring to the author , " is preparing a little song , which he would like you to sing next week . " " Oh , I can 't sing ," returned Carrie .

  5. 也许我永远学不会唱歌。

    I can probably never learn to sing .

  6. 他说:我真的不会唱歌也不想隐瞒这点。

    He said : ' I really can 't sing and don 't pretend to .

  7. 他说:“我真的不会唱歌也不想隐瞒这点。4月份的时候我告诉达伦老师我的想法,然后在5月的时候开始了学习。”

    He said : ' I really can 't sing and don 't pretend to . I spoke to Darren in April about the idea and started lessons in May .

  8. 我保证我不会再唱歌或跳舞。

    I promise I won 't sing and dance again .

  9. 我想加入音乐俱乐部。我不会唱歌。

    I want to join the music club . I can 't sing .

  10. 布莱恩:我有空,但我必须警告你我不会唱歌的。

    Brian : I 'm free but I must warn you I can 't carry a tune in a bucket .

  11. 当时我想这对我是再适合不过的角色了除了我不会唱歌

    Perfect role for me , I thought except for the fact that I can 't sing .